Chapter 30

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Dipper's POV

"BUT HER AIM IS GETTING BETTER!" Stan exclaims, Mabel and I groan as we hold our fishing rods over the water carefully. I can hear joyful laughter from Bill in the back of my mind.

"Oh, hey hey! I got a joke!" Bill says, making my body sit up, I try my best to stop him but he seems to really want to tell his joke. "A man walks into a bar..." Bill starts glancing to see if he has everyone's attention "... Ouch." He grins widely as Stan's face contorts into a large grin. He starts cracking up.

"Haha! ouch! I get it hahaha!" Stan clutches his stomach, Mabel stares at me in confusion, Bill winks at her and she whispers a small "oh".

"Okay how about, do you know the definition of divorce?" Bill says, Stan stops laughing and leans in, "It means the future tense of marriage!" Stan erupts with laughter yet again.

Mabel groans, and looks at me with pure rage. Bill pokes his tongue out.

"That's the spirit kid!" Stan says slapping my back, I drop the rod and stumble to catch it, I'm thankful when Bill seizes control just to grab it for me. I sigh in relief. "Ops! Sorry haha!" Stan chuckles.

"I got one! I got one!" Mabel squeals, her rod spinning out of control as she grabs at it and pulls. Stan stumbles over next to her.

"Great job darl! Alright now reel it in, don't just pull the rod!" Stan advises, Mabel follows through and starts to pull, Stan grabs her and starts to pull her back to help, I run to their side and use all my might.

"It's getting away!" Mabel cries in despair. Blue flame seeps through my eyes as Bill places some of his strength in me, I heave and we all stumble back as a large fish is pulled from the water.

"Yes! Great job kid!" Stan praises, grabbing a bucket and hauling the fish into the boat, if flops around angrily.

"Its massive!" I say, eyes bulging at its size, its far to big to bring back to Gideon. Suddenly, as Stan goes to unhook the line the big fish opens its mouth to reveal, another fish. "Christ almighty! It was holding onto the fish you caught Mabel!"

"We'll eat great tonight!" Stan belly laughed. I glanced at Mabel and she nodded.

"Can we keep the smaller fish Grunkle Stan? Please?" She clasped her hands together and even threw in the puppy dog eyes.

"Aw, of course my little prodigy!" Stan laughed.

Despite the urgency to return to Gideon, we all stayed out fishing and telling jokes for two more hours. After all, dashing off without giving Stan some of our time would be a little rude, wouldn't it?


"Finally! What took you so long?" Gideon asked, tapping his foot impatiently as he approached him.

"Fishing is a lot harder than you would think." I groan.

"You didn't think to just buy the fish?" Gideon narrowed this eyes.

"We wanted it fresh, only the best for his majesty." I bowed and muttered snarkily.

"Whatever, come on, if you have everything we can return to where I first summoned him and start." We followed Gideon, Mabel carrying the basket, and me hauling a bucket with a now dead fish in it. I hope he didn't plan on the fish being alive.

"Alright. Place all of the items into this cauldron." Gideon instructed, we started pouring the objects in, I stared at the glowing moss and glared at Gideon.

"By the way, you never said that regular purple moss could kill people." I growled. Gideon rolled his eyes.

"Most people wear gloves when handling moss Dipper, I thought you were smart enough to know that. Apparently not though."

I grumble as I pour the moss in and toss the final ingredient, the fish, into the now bubbling cauldron.

"Bubble bubble toil and trouble!" Mabel giggles, waving her hands over the cauldron mystically.

"Don't! That spell is a real one and I'd prefer if you didn't mess with the Magic Mabel dear!" Gideon cried. Mabel winced and stepped back.

"Alright now what-"

"Sit on that symbol Dipper. Lie flat down and let... Bill release some magic out of you." I did as told, wincing as blue flames left my hands and danced in the air. Mabel stared in awe.

Gideon took a deep breath and stood on a small rock in front of the cauldron. He waves his hands over in a weird pattern till his eyes rolled into his head and a blue aura incased him. Mabel leapt behind a tree and I shut my eyes tightly as I waited for him to begin his chant.

"Esu regnol on nac ouy ym si siht. Owt ni tlips dna treah ym ekat ,thgin eht etingi semalf eht ekat ,thgir ti edivid cigam eht ekat ,ydob ym gnisu snomed erom on htiw ydob yht morf slleh tsepeed eht esealeR!"

My body started to lift into the air, I opened my eyes wide as I felt every inch of energy push itself from my very being, I gasped as I felt myself grow weak, the flames in my hands dimming to nothing. Tears from my eyes evaporated into the air as pure magic stuck to my skin like honey. The air felt too thick to breath and my mouth felt like a layer of skin had formed on it,  couldn't gasp for air if I tried. Soon an itching sensation replaced the sticky magic feeling and I felt my arms move wildly to end all the irritation. With one final cry I screamed and dropped from the sky. I watched as my vision faded, Bill fell onto the floor and scrambled to catch me.

I saw his human face as I shut my eyes. My mind felt empty at last.



Dear god writing that chant took FOREVER. Do you know how hard it is to write backwards when autocorrect keeps trying to make sense of your gibberish?

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