Chapter 25

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Dipper's POV

A glossy and blinding light fills the basement, I cover my burning eyes and duck behind the command table as the blinding flash fills the room. The noise is cancelled, as if the light is white noise itself. I hear a scream, but I can't register whose.

I open my eyes, one at a time... But still all I see is white, I shut them again. I can't even hear my own breathing... It is terrifying. I push myself off the ground, my eyes still shut and walk around... I can't hear a footstep or the rustle of my own clothing. Am I even alive?

"F-Ford?" I ask quietly.

"Dipper! Open your eyes look at me!" Ford says his voice echoes in the space. I open them again hopeful, but can't see him.

"I... I can't see you Ford! It's all... White... It hurts to look around..." I explain.

"Oh.. Oh okay! Don't worry Dipper, this side effect will wear off... just be careful where you walk... You almost walked into a wall."

"W-Wha? But I can't feel anything?" I explain walking forwards at a steady pace.

"Argh! Stop stop! You are running into a wall! This is worse then I thought.. But don't worry! It does go away! Just walk slowly and I'll lead you upstairs again okay?"

"O-Okay... Wait where is Bill?! What does the damage look like?!" I shout.

"Well... Mabel's body is lying on the ground but nothing is possessing it so it technically is dead and if no one occupies it in five minutes then it will- OH NO I NEED TO FIND MABELS SOUL! DIPPER STAY RIGHT HERE DON'T MOVE!"

I sit down, the silence filling me with fear... This can't be right, how could this machine have such a side effect? And why does this place look so ... Empty...? I stand up and look around, opening my eyes and adjusting to the light.

It might hurt if I look at the whiteness to long... Wait..

I notice a part of the white area moving, almost like a curtain or piece of fabric...

Okay if I move towards that with my hands outstretched then I'll be stopping my body walking into any walls. Perfect!
I move out my hands, and wander over to the fabric, as I touch it and move it out of the way it is revealed to be, just a normal piece of fabric? This is... Odd...

"Right this way Mabel... I'm sorry your body is in such a state..." Fords voice fills the void of space.

"Oh my god... Is that.. I look.. Terrible! Oh this is going to hurt so much..." I wait for Mabels respond and hear a scream, and crying.


"C-Calm down! I-I I got you Mabel... I gathered some healing potions from pixies... It should numb and heal you, here drink this..."

I start blinking as the white world fades away and I see my arms resting on the elevator doors, I'm back! I turn and look at Mabel through the glass... Her skin is pale, but her eyes are living as she drinks every potion Ford has to offer.
I sprint towards her and engulf her in a hug.

"H-Hiii Dipper, sorry I'm feeling pretty trash right now, I take it you can see? Ford said you were kinda blinded." Mabel says a weak smile on her face, I move away tears welling up in my eyes.

Ford looks at me and sighs "Good to see you are both back, I'm going to grab some bandages and soup for you young lady." Ford smiles and leaves quietly.

Mabel starts to grin happily. "AHHH the potions are working, great I'm numb... Mm this is so good." She mutters lying on her back. I chuckle.

"It's good to be able to hug you again... But damn you have so many wounds... Huh?" My vision stars to blend back into whiteness.

"What is it Dipper?" Mabel asks her voice an echo. I shut my eyes as the whiteness overwhelms me.

"I... I can only see white again!" I exclaim, I raise my hands and sit down.

"Woah! What the hell is happening to your hands?! They are glowing pink! D-Dipper what are you doing?!" Mabel shouts.

"I-I don't know! I can't see anything! What AM I doing?!" I ask frantically. I open my eyes slowly and see my vision returning.

Mabel stares at me amazed. "W-What?" I ask. I look at her body and gasp, all the wounds are patched up! Sure the blood is still on her but all the cuts are healed over! "Did... Did I do that?" I ask looking at my hands.

"Yes!" Mabel says grabbing my hands, "You just started to heal me! You HEALED me Dipper! What happened down here?!" She asks excitedly.

I scratch my neck confused. "Um, well Ford pressed this button that killed Wish and... BILL!" I shout looking around desperately.

"Wait.. Ford KILLED Bill?!" Mabel shouts looking around also.

"Yeah! He pressed a button and.. And..... He... He..." I stop looking and stare at my hands. "He tried to get me to push the button that would have killed him but in the end, it didn't matter he pushed it anyway... Now Bill is dead and.." I sniff as tears start to flow down my face.

"Hey hey don't cry.. Shh, it's going to be okay Dipper. Mabel says cupping my face with her frail hands. I nod sadly.

Ford strides towards us happily. "I brought soup you two! Woah! Those healing potions really worked on you Mabel!" He says excitedly.

"Yeah.. Hehe they sure did didn't they." I say without meaning to, I touch my mouth in confusion. ... Why did I say that?

The day ended, with a confused Dipper. Healed Mabel, and happy Ford.

But You Already Know That (BillBip)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt