Chapter 4

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Dipper's POV

Mabel, Bill and I all walk towards my apartment, Mabel has a death grip on my arm, while Bill is uncomfortably close as he walks next to me, just... Smiling.

"Psst, Mabel, how do I tell a dream demon that I want him to back off." I whisper to Mabel.

"Pssht! I don't know! Just push him slightly, or literally say for him to back off!" Mabel whispers back, I shiver as I notice Bill is staring at us.

"Um, say Bill could you maybe... Not be so close to me? I can literally feel your breath on my neck." I say smiling a nervous smile.

"Oh! Sorry PineTree!" Bill says stepping away from me slightly.

"Eheh... It's Dipper..." I say sweating nervously.

"Oh I know!" Bill chirps, his grin widening.

We reach the lobby of my apartment and I run to the elevator as the doors close. Mabel dashes behind me, Bill just walks in long strides.
I jab my arm between the doors, I squeeze my way in, I feel extremely confused as no one is actually in the elevator... Who sends down an empty elevator?

Mabel jumps next to me, as well as Bill. He hasn't stopped smiling. It is really creeping me out... Come to think of it when he didn't have a mouth was he technically smiling all the time with his eye? Or does he not understand human bodies?

"Hey Bill could you stop smiling like that?" Mabel asks quietly as we slowly ascend to my apartment.

Bill frowns "What do I do if I don't smile?" He asks tilting his head.

"You have a neutral face? Or poker face? You know?" Mabel says trying to explain.

"No. No I don't know." Bill says glaring.

"Come to think of it when you took over my body you never did stop smiling... Or smirking... I don't know..." I interject.

"Oh yeah! Haha good times!" Bill says chuckling.

"Not really. Dipper had to go to the hospital after that you know, plus he had nightmares for like a week!" Mabel says angrily.

Bill frowns once again, "A week? Huh, I swear I stayed longer than that..."

"Wait hold up! YOU were the one giving me those horrible nightmares?!" I shout.

"I'm a dream demon kid." Bill says smirking.

I push him against the wall and raise a fist to his face, I was about to punch him when the delightful ding of the elevator doors opening silence me. An elderly couple stared at us in shock.

"Mr Pines?" They ask, oh it's the couple for 202.

"Maggie! Thomas!" I say smiling I quickly throw an arm around Bill, pulling him to my side as we walk out slowly.

"Don't mind them you guys! They were just joking around! Haha!" Mabel says beaming at them.

"Oh hoho! I used to do that when I was young with my friend... Eh what was him name? Larry?" Thomas says scratching his beard, they enter the elevator laughing.

As the door closes I let out a sigh of relief, I go to take my arm off of Bill, then he grabs my hand and prevents me from doing so. I turn to him in confusion, he just stares at me with an expressionless face.

"Ooooookay...." I say guiding him to my door. Mabel glares at him as we walk.

"Um Bill... I'm going to need my arm back to get my keys." I explain, he just tightens his grip.

But You Already Know That (BillBip)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz