Chapter 29

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Dipper's POV

"Check under the dead tree stumps, purple moss is said to gather around the base of the tallest trees so maybe cut down ones have some left over." I suggest, walking forward in long strides as Mabel and I try to collect all the ingredients on Gideon's list.

I feel my body jolt to the side and look up from my list, ah, I was going to walk directly into a tree. "Thanks Bill." I mutter as I continue reading through the odd ingredients. Bill is uncharacteristically, dead silent.

"Dipper! Over here!" Mabel calls, I turn around and spot her grasping at the purple moss and chucking it into our almost full basket.

"Woah! Woah! Don't touch it!" Bill finally says. Mabel drops the moss in an instant. "Purple moss is only useful and harmless when it is activated, here let me talk to it." Mabel moves to the side as Bill makes me squat to the moss' level. He speaks in an unnatural way that is both confusing and intriguing to Mabel and I, the moss starts to glow and he lets me stand up, seemingly satisfied.

"Woah! So pretty! Alright, what's next?" Mabel asks as she finishes picking the moss.

"Let's see-" I let my finger trail down the page as I notice the last item on the expansive list, "-A fish." Mabel snorts comedically.

"For real? I don't know dipdot, that's sounds pretty fishy." She chuckles again and covers her mouth.

"For real. We need a goddamn fish, maybe we can buy some at the lake?" I suggest, before Mabel can reply we hear the sound of footsteps approaching us. We both freeze up as Ford comes into view.

"There you two are! I was wondering-" he pauses when he spots the assortment of items in Mabel's basket. He starts muttering the contents to himself before he freezes. Shoving me aside in excitement he jumps towards the purple moss and squeals. "GLOWING purple moss?! This is amazing! How on earth did you manage to find the right word to activate it!?" He says looking between Mabel and I.

I gulp and let my brain try and figure out some excuse.

"Wait, that's rare? We found it glowing and thought it was pretty!" Mabel exclaims, faking excitement.

"Well I'm so glad you did! This stuff is extremely hard to find! And if you touched the regular purple moss for longer than fifteen seconds you could die!" Ford beams.

Mabel goes pale. "O-Oh." I narrow my eyes at the sky, Gideon couldn't have ,well I don't know, left a note that tells us this ingredient could KILL us?

"Wait." Ford says, his tone becoming cold. "Purple moss, ignited spice bark, thorny grass, dew of a rainbow mushroom, crushed brick (most likely from a place of meaning)...." Ford stood up slowly and glanced between us, cutting his analysis of the ingredients short. "These items, why are you gathering them?" He asked, with suspicious and knowing eyes.

"Favour to Gideon." I say with a shrug. He raises and eyebrow.

"Are you aware what these ingredients make when concocted together?" Ford asks with a fold of his arms.

"I don't know, Gideon just needed to restock his magic supplies." I say, trying to stop the fear from seeping into my voice.

"Is this the last of the ingredients you need to get for Gideon then?" Ford asks, stepping closer it me with a determined look in his eyes.

"Yes." Bill says without distortion. I hold back the need to gulp, my throat becoming exceedingly dry.

"May I see that list?" Ford asks, hand extended.

"Of course." Bill says, he touches the final ingredient on the list and let's the ink evaporate out of the page, I wince at the use of magic through my own body. But now the final ingredient is no longer on the list as I pass it to Ford.

Mabel looks petrified as she stands completely straight and still, her knuckles going white as she grips the basket tighter and tighter.

"Huh. What a strange coincidence, I hope Gideon is truly just restocking his ingredients." He passes the list back and takes an unsteady breath "If you would excuse me... Dipper." He says, his eyes never leaving mine as he walks past me and out into the forest.

"Shit. He is onto us, goddammit we were so close! Stop talking he might be watching still... I can't feel his presence but no doubt he is trying to find out what's going on. Dammit! Shit!" Bill says, grasping at my hair and pacing in my body.

"It's alright guys! W-we just need to get the fish and rush back to Gideon's place, ASAP." Mabel stutters, looking just as afraid as us.

"But what if it does work? You can't just leave! That would be suspicious!" Bill starts, his fear seeping into my own voice, his distortion getting worse. "Keep it together Bill, I... I could say something came up with work! Or rent is due!" I offer "No! How will I get into the car while you leave?! How on earth will we make it out safely-" I turn my head as I regain control to cut him off, "Easy, you walk down the road and we pick you up as we drive along... Mabel could say she has a huge project due for college and junk, they would believe her!"

"Both of you shut up!" Mabel almost shouts, annoyed from watching me jump between personalities "For all we know, Ford is going over to Gideon right now we need to grab the goddamn fish and scoot back!"

I shake my head and nod, we run to the lake vigorously and stop at the fishing supply booth, both panting.

"One fish!" I wheeze. The man shakes his head and points to a sign reading 'All fish must be caught.' We both groan.

"Kids!" A familiar voice calls, we turn our heads and grin, Stanley in a fishing boat preparing to go out. I look at Mabel and smirk. We race each other to his boat and jump in, it rocks like crazy and Stan laughs.

"What on earth are you kids doing here?"

"We want to go fishing! Can we come with you?" Mabel asks in a pleading tone.

Stan smiles so warmly, "Would love to have you." He barely whispers. He pulls out a joke book and grins "Also-"

We both collectively groan.



Wiggidy welcome!

But You Already Know That (BillBip)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz