Veronica did her own makeup as I did two braids on the side of her head, and then curled the rest of her hair that was just there.

She finished her makeup in like ten minutes because she is an expert at that.

Her hair took a bit longer because her hair isn't used to braids, so the braids didn't come out good and I had to keep doing them.

Once the braids were better, I curled her hair.

After that, I traded places with her and bella started to do my hair while Veronica was doing my makeup.

I laughed like every five seconds because Bella would laugh.

"Stop laughing, I have to get your makeup done." Veronica said pissed off.

I laughed once more before I got serious and closed my eyes.

"Guys, I texted Axel this morning asking if we could hang out, since it's my birthday." I said. "And what he said, kinda made my day bad." I said.

"What did he say?" Bella asked.

"He said that he had something 'spectacular' to do for a girl he loved." I said putting quote marks around spectacular.

They stayed quiet so I opened my eyes and they were looking at each other.

"What?" I asked them. "Do you guys know something I don't?"

"Uh, no." Bella said.

"Maybe he is doing something for that girl. I know he would to love to hang out with you but maybe that something took up the whole afternoon." Veronica said.

"I guess." I said and closed my eyes again.

"Don't think about it too much." Bella said.

"We're here to hang out with you." Veronica said.

"Yeah I know, but I really wanted to hang out with him too." I said and frowned.

"You always have tomorrow." Veronica said.

"Yeah, that's true." I said.

"And done!" Veronica said.

"I was done ten minutes ago." Bella said.

I laughed.

"Okay, Bella, pick a dress while I let Evaluna see herself in the mirror." Veronica said.

"Okay." Bella said and started looking through the bag.

Veronica took me to the vanity and I looked at myself.

I had a natural tone for my makeup and I looked like myself without the bags under my eyes. I looked normal again. I looked beautiful. My hair was just curled, which was nice.

I hugged Veronica. "Thank you!" I said to her.

She giggled and hugged me back.

"I found a dress." Bella said. She held up a mint dress that was simple and cute.

"Nice choice." Veronica said. "Oh, I made these dresses. Go try it on Bella."

Bella went into the bathroom to get changed. Veronica looked in the bag for some heels. She found some black ones that had a strap around her ankle.

"Those would look cute with the dress." Veronica said.

I nodded. Bella came it with the dress on and it brought out her blue eyes.

"It looks so good!" Veronica said. "Here." Veronica said as she gave her the heels. Bella went to sit at my bed and put on the heels.

Veronica was next and went into the bag and pulled out a very beautiful burgundy dress. It was also simple but very cute.

She grabbed some strappy closed-toe wedges and went inside to change.

Bella was taking selfies.

I laughed.

When Veronica came out, she look taller, even though she was already tall, and more beautiful than ever.

I smiled. "You look so pretty." I told her.

She giggled. "Thank you." She said. "Now your turn." She pushes me towards the bag and I bent down to see what dress. There was only one left which means that I really didn't have a choice.

I picked it up and it was a beautiful blush pink dress, which I really liked the color of.

I picked up the last pair of heels, which were a beige color.

I went into the bathroom and changed. I took of my clothes and changed into the dress.

It looked so beautiful on me. I really liked it.

I walked out of the bathroom and the girls instantly stop what they're doing and looked at me. Now I felt a little self conscious. I wrapped my hands around myself.

"Wow, look at you." Bella said.

"You're so beautiful." Veronica said. "Let me help you with the heels." She said and helped me put them on.

"Okay, now let's take pictures." Bella said.

Veronica and I posed as Bella took some pictures on her phone. Apparently, while I was in a coma, Axel took my cameras so he can 'take care of them'.

We had to use Isaac's Polaroid camera, so now i have to buy him some film.

After the pictures, the girls and I just sat down.

It was now around three pm and the girls and I, were still in the dresses. "Should we take them off?" I asked.

"Nah." Veronica said.

Her phone rang indicating she got a text and looked at bella.

I looked at my phone and got zero notifications.

This is what happens when you don't have any friends.

"Let's play a game." Veronica said. "I'll blindfold one of you and then we walk that person to wherever, and they have to guess but the sounds and smells." She said. "Evaluna goes first."

"What?" I asked. "Why me?"

"Cause you're the birthday girl." Veronica said.

Bella laughed.

I rolled my eyes and they put the blindfold on me. I couldn't see anything now.

Veronica held my right hand as Bella held my left.

They started walking and I followed their lead.

Once we got down the stairs I heard the front door open.

"Are we going outside?" I asked them.

"You're doing great." Veronica said.

We kept walking and I felt grass on my feet.

"Seriously, where are we going?" I asked them.

"You have to guess." Bella said.

"It's apart of the game." Veronica said.

I rolled my eyes.

We walked again and this time I didn't feel anything funky or smell anything weird.

"Um, are we at the park?" I asked.

"Nope." Bella said.

In the distance I heard a gate open. I was confused.

We walked a little more when they suddenly stopped.

"We're gonna take off your blindfold." Bella said.

"You didn't guess anything so there is no point now." Veronica said.

I stood still and someone went behind me.

"Ready?" Bella asked.

I nodded.

"Three, Two, One." Veronica counted down and my blindfold was off. 

The Bad Boy's Camera Girl ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя