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In which Jungwoo and Lucas are a couple while being in NCT. Jungwoo had a hard time and came to Lucas crying and his boyfriend cheered him up.
How much? VERY MUCH VERY SOFT FLUFF and a little more heated kissing

Sweat poured over Jungwoos face and he took a deep breath and drank a bit water

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Sweat poured over Jungwoos face and he took a deep breath and drank a bit water. He stayed a little after their dance practice because he didn't get the new moves but wanted to keep up. He felt exhausted and just wanted to go to sleep but the feeling of being guilty if he won't practice harder, made him stay. Jungwoo didn't want to be the bad dancer of NCT, who were known for their excellent dancing. He became idol because his dream was to sing on stage, not to dance. He looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. It was already half past eleven, he should go back to the dorm now.

As he went out of the practice room and took his mobile, he saw that Yukhei had called him multiple times. Did something happen? He quickly dialed Yukheis number and smiled as he heard his deep voice. "Jungwoo, finally! Where the fuck are you?", he exclaimed worriedly. "Uuh...I stayed at work to improve my dancing and learn the new choreography more quickly.", Jungwoo explained, saying nothing about how bad he felt when he saw the others dance so much better than him. "But you shouldn't stay out that long, babe.", Yukhei sighed and Jungwoo answered softly: "I know, I'm sorry. I'll come back now." He felt Yukhei smiling through the phone. "Good. See you soon then. Love ya."
"Yeah, I'll hurry. Love you too."
Jungwoo hang up and sighed quietly.

He decided to take a quick shower and then go back to the dorm because he didn't want to catch a cold from going out sweaty. As he finished changing, he took his phone and got out of the building as fast as possible. Suddenly his mobile vibrated in his hand and he saw the message, his manager had just written: hey jungwoo, I know you're doing your best but please try to improve your dancing skills. We don't need bad dancers in here, this is NCT.
Good evening
That was it. That was the one thing that made him explode. All his feelings just came to the surface and tears began to stream down his face.

He jogged home, hoping no one would see him and creeped inside quietly. Everyone was asleep, it has been a hard day. He entered his room, grabbing his clothes and wanting to leave into the bathroom as the light turned on. "Jungwoo. Are you oka-...What happened?" It was Yukhei, of course. After seeing that Jungwoo was clearly not okay, according to the tears on his face, he hurried to him and accompanied him to the small bed they had to share. Jungwoo sobbed quietly. "Jungwoo, what's up? You know you can tell me anything, I'm your boyfriend, okay?" He nodded, leaning into Yukheis hug and hiding his face in the ladders shoulder. "I'm not good enough.", He mumbled between tears. "I'm a shitty dancer, the manager told me to improve or else I'm not worth being a member of NCT.", Jungwoo stuttered, still crying.

Yukheis face changed from surprised to very angry. He clenched his fists. "I'm gonna talk with them. It's not okay how the treat you.", He said. Then his face began to soften. "And seriously, Jungwoo, you're one of the most talented and beautiful men I've ever met, I'd say the most. You are absolutely precious and these stupid managers don't deserve you. You are a fucking amazing dancer and you worked so hard to achieve your dreams. Every band member loves you, you're so sweet and protectable, God I can't express how much I love you."

Tears streamed down Jungwoos face and he couldn't tell if they were from misery or happiness anymore. "God Lucas.", He sobbed, calling Yukhei by his American Name. "I don't deserve you."
Yukhei cupped his face in his big hands and smiled sadly. "Jungwoo. You deserve the most perfect and incredible love, someone who loves you with all his heart." Jungwoo smiled. "Well, I guess I already have him.", He answered then and leaned in to slowly kiss Yukhei. The Chinese boy kissed him back while pushing him onto the bed. Yukhei deepened their kiss with a soft moan and licked Jungwoos lower lip softly, trying to get into his mouth. Jungwoo knew he would not be able to control himself once his boyfriend got into his mouth so he interrupted the kiss. "I'm sorry Yukhei, I'm not in the mood for sex.", He said honestly and began to change his clothes for sleeping.

"It's okay, don't worry.", Yukhei said for the third time and hugged Jungwoo softly. Now, after the smaller had changed, both of them layed on the bed, cuddling each other. Yukhei played with his lovers hair gently and Jungwoo just layed there and snuggled himself into Yukheis hard, protective chest. He didn't feel that bad anymore, the Chinese boy was always able to cheer him up. "You know", Yukhei said. "I'm gonna talk to the managers tomorrow. I won't allow such a behaviour in front of my beautiful boyfriend. I can threaten to tell our fans about us. I'd only do it with your approval of course." Jungwoo giggled happily and Yukhei joined his laughter quietly. After a while just caressing his boyfriends  sides and hair, he began to spread little feather like kisses on Jungwoos neck while rambling about how beautiful every inch of Jungwoo was. The older was not used to get that much attention and love, his cheeks were deep red, but he really enjoyed it. Everything would be fine, as long as he had Lucas. He slowly drifted off into Dreamland, still feeling the soft kisses on his neck and the large hands caressing his sides and stroking his hair as he woke up.

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