xviii → better for worse.

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I saw her sitting at the foot of my bed on her phone when the morning light met my eyes. I rub the crumbs out of my eyes, 

I quite like waking up with her.

She looks up from her phone, "oh hey, you're awake," she smiles.

I smile back, "yeah, that seems to be the case," she was dressed in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, "uh, what time is it?" I ask

"Quarter past ten," she laughs, "I tried to wake you up earlier but you wouldn't budge so I just figured to let you sleep until you decided to wake up," she shrugs.

I sit up too fast and the corners of my vision start to go black, I stand up when I know I won't fall down. 

I check my phone and see 67 text notifications, oh joy.

Losers not lovers gc


Jack: Hey biotches let's meet up somewhere. Who's free?

Wyatt: I guess I am

Sophia: Go back to sleep...you need it

Jack: No

Sophia: I can go but in at least 3 more hours

Chosen: Can't go

Jeremy: Me neither

Jaeden: How are we all awake?

Jack: Can you go or not?

Jaeden: Yes

Jack: Finn? Can you go??

Jack: FINN 


Wyatt: Just give up he's probably asleep

Wyatt: ....as we all should be...


Finn: Sorry if I answered too late, but I've got plans already, sorry

I look back up at y/n, "do whatever you need to do to get ready," I say, "I'm taking you out whether you like it or not," I smile.



"Nick's out today," Finn says, "and neither of us can drive so we're going via Vancouver public transit," he locks the door, "this should be interesting,"

"Where are we going, anyway?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that! " he replies with a silly grin, "it would ruin the surprise,"


After walking for about 7 minutes (although it was more running up to pet some dogs than walking), he leads me down into the underground where we would wait for the subway. After paying our fares, we stand at the tracks and wait for the train to come. There's only one person I'm crossing my fingers I don't end up seeing,

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