vii → shot of vanilla.

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𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖗𝖊 𝖌𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖇𝖊 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉, 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞 🤞🏼



"Will that be in cash or credit?" the Starbucks barista pronounced with a dull expression that could mean nothing less than obviously wanting to get off of work as soon as possible.

"That'll be-" my words were interrupted by a familiar head of curls leaving the store. I only saw the mysterious figure from behind, so I wasn't certain if who I was seeing was who I thought it was.

"Miss? Hello?" the barista snapped his fingers in front of my face, "I'm working off commission here so if you could hurry it up that would be magnificent." Should I go after him or should I just forget it? Oh, what the heck.

I pounded a $5 bill onto the counter, grabbed my drink, and yelled, "KEEP THE CHANGE!"


"NO BUTS, THOMAS!" I speed-walked out of the store and into what must have been part of the cloud's PMS cycle. Shit, I lost him. I pulled my ear-buds out of my ears a little too hard and looked around.


What do I do what do I do what do I do? I questioned. I can't talk to her! But why? I just can't! I began to pick up my pace, when I noticed her glance in my direction. I was spotted. And soaked. After deciding that it was too late to run away, I did what I always do in weird situations; I pulled out my phone and pretended to be busy on it. It was then that I thought back to what my father told me. Go with your gut and your heart. Ok, I'll talk to he-

"Uh, Finn?" the quiet voice muttered. I saw her face light up when I turned around despite the unfortunate circumstances in which she was now covered almost completely in rain.

"Oh, hey! I haven't seen you in a while!" I said, obviously lying. I run my hands through my hair, trying to get the sweat off of them, but then realizing that it was raining. And my hair was soaked. And that I'm an idiot.

"Um, you do know that was only two days ago?" she said, laughing nervously while scratching the back of her neck. I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, yeah! It just feels like a long time!"

"Finn?" her eyes grew larger.


"Are you ok? I mean- you're acting a little nervous."

"I know. Uh, I am? Oh, I-I didn't notice?"

"I know it's not my job to get into your business, but if there's something you need to talk about, I'm here if you need me." she remarked, never breaking the eye contact between us, and then..walking away?

"Y/n!" I shouted at her. People began to stare and I heard some whispers among the strangers. I ran to catch up with her.


"The reason I'm nervous..the real, if you don't- if you-" I grew more goosebumps the more I searched her fascinatingly amazing eyes. Her soft look gave me an unexplainable comfort, and I pulled myself back together.


"Finn," she interrupted, "would it make you feel better if we talked about this where people weren't watching?" she spoke the last few words a little louder than the others, and soon enough, the strangers walked away, almost as flustered as I was.

"Y-," I began, "Yes."


"Okay," I took his sweaty and squirmy hand and led him to the back of an alleyway. We got closer to the back, and I could feel the tension in his clutch grow. "You don't need to be nervous anymore, no strangers can whisper now, okay?" he let go of my hand, leaving me with the ghost of his grasp.

"But y/n you don't get it," he looked at his feet, "the strangers... the strangers don't make me nervous," he pulled his daring glance back up at me, "you do."


w/c: 626 words. i'm really really super sorry this is so short but i just wanted to get at least half of a chapter out (-: i promise i'll try and be more consistent but i literally need to pull my school brain back together 😴 

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