10) Friends like these

Começar do início

"I'm fine, Matt." The moment the words left her lips, she realized it wasn't quite the truth. She was still sore from the fight with Sara – but funnily enough, the yesterday workout helped.

It wasn't the workout and you know it. Emotional state greatly affects the pain tolerance.

Oh shut up, me.

"I'm better," she corrected herself and Matt just nodded in acknowledgement.

Silence fell. Vera didn't like it. They often filled silence with affection, which— not exactly an option now.

He spoke up just when she thought she would break. She couldn't help a relieved sigh. "Quite a set-up Oliver has here."

"Yeah," she hurried, looking around, realizing the tennis balls were still in the wall. She laughed at it shortly, walking to them. "Yeah, he... he was training yesterday, I joined later. He showed me how to shoot a bow."

"And you liked it," Matt stated the obvious. Her fingers traced the collapsed ball, turning her gaze to him. He hadn't taken a step in her direction, but his body followed her voice; her own flame in his world on fire.

"That obvious?"

He chuckled. "Just a little. Is any of those yours?"

Vera burst out laughing. "You didn't mean that did you? I was lucky enough to hit the clout. Though I did hit the middle too."

His smile was soft. "I missed your laugh."

The said laugh died in her throat instantly. She had an idea of what the sentence meant besides what the actual meaning of the words was. And she wanted to respond the same, but she didn't think she could or should.

I missed you too. I missed you too, for all the lonely days I thought were coming. I'm still not sure they won't.

"Matt, I-"

For once, God saved her. And the God had the form of Sara Lance with Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen in her train.


The heroes, either usually wearing a mask or helping from behind a computer, wanted to train. Oliver even brought Matt some clothes. Matt didn't protest and Vera was trying not to snuggle them all in gratitude for the offer and showing up in the first place.

"I'm taking the lady," Sara called out, smiling at Vera conspiratorially.

"And I'm just watching," Felicity hummed, sticking with her dress and heels.

Vera shrugged. Why not?

That was until Sara tossed her billy clubs.

"Not those," she whined silently, earning a wry look from Matt. She rolled her eyes. Touchy. Boys and their toys.

"Yes, those," Sara exclaimed, taking her own. "Show me what's in you, Gaia."


Sara was playful and a bit of a show-off, but she had every right. She was... well, killing it; she was member of the League of assassins, after all. For Vera's favour, she took shorter billy clubs than she was used to; not that it made much of a difference. Still – Vera had fun.

"My sister had a thing with Matt in college."

Vera hissed as the stick hit her forearm hard, her shock from the revelation making her drop her guard.

And... really?!

"You're serious?" Vera huffed out, now knowing better than to stop blocking Sara's fastening attacks.

Ready to Suffer, Ready to Hope *Matt Murdock* (book three of Damned-3b)  x ArrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora