" The Academy must value their Alice enough to take such actions," Narumi asserted. Natsume, still deeply concerned about his sister, implored, "My sister did nothing wrong."

The man's tone grew somber, and he sighed. " The Academy can't cover for them anymore, Narumi-sensei."

" My sister did nothing wrong." Natsume suddenly blurted his breath hitching. Ruka's brows furrowed out of worry.

He didn't know what Natsume was up to." What?" Narumi exclaimed as he and the suit man glanced at Natsume." It wasn't her alice who went berserk. It's mine." he stated, covering up Aoi's mess. With his guilt of leaving his sister, he will take all of Aoi's burden on his shoulder. It was the only thing that he could think of in order to protect Aoi.

" Do you understand what you're saying, Natsume?" Ruka asked. He was shocked to hear Natsume admitting that he was the one who started the fire." Very well." the other man nodded his head in understanding before leaving them in order to make a call.

Narumi walked towards Natsume. " Your father went to your burning house in order to save Aoi, he got injured but it's just minor and he's staying at the same hospital." he said.

Narumi, Natsume and Ruka walked out of Aoi's room." You understand that this will be the last time seeing Aoi and your father, right?" Narumi started. Ruka scratched his head, confused by what the teacher meant. 

Natsume asked. " Why?" he then frowned upon hearing the teacher." That man reported the incident, you are considered as an arsonist since you admitted it. The Government believes that the cause is your inability to control and use your alice, further more you have an unstable personality..." Narumi crossed his arms and sighed as he was explaining it. 

" The Alice Academy will be responsible for you, an 8 year old and the mess. The Academy will supervise and rehabilitate you, that is why tomorrow you will be attending Gakuen Alice." he added, making Natsume understand that it is the consequence for lying.

Ruka was taken aback by this revelation. " Natsume will be leaving?" he whispered to himself, the implications sinking in.

Mrs. Nogi, hearing this, rushed into the room, overcome with joy to find Ruka safe. Ruka had suffered only a minor wound on his left cheek, and she embraced her son tightly. "Ruu-chan!"

" I'm glad both of you are safe after that devastating fire," she said with a tearful smile, even as the other patients at the hospital began to gossip.

"Wait, isn't that dark-haired boy the one who started the fire? The boy with the fire Alice?" one patient exclaimed, drawing attention to Natsume. The villagers who had also sought refuge in the hospital room joined in the accusation.

" I know, he's the boy who caused the fire! He lives at the top of the hill, everyone says he has the Alice of fire," the accusations and blame continued, intensifying their anger.

Natsume and Ruka's peaceful moment with Aoi was shattered when a man, covered in bandages, threw a shoe at Natsume and shouted, " Give me back my house!" The others in the room began hurling insults at Natsume, blaming him for their misfortunes.

" No, stop it!" Ruka protested as he rushed to Natsume's side. He wanted to protect his friend from the hateful onslaught.

" Natsume didn't do anything, so please stop-!" Ruka implored, but his voice was drowned out by the furious mob. They were relentless, hurling insults and shoes at Natsume, who was powerless to defend himself.

Natsume looked away, tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn't bear the hatred and anger directed at him. Ruka, too, was heartbroken, unable to comprehend the unjust treatment his friend was enduring.

The pain became too much for Natsume, and he swiftly turned and delivered a punch to Ruka's face, trying to distance his dear friend from himself. Ruka stumbled back, and Mrs. Nogi managed to catch him.

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