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Author's Note PLEASE READ

Frankly, I was going to change the video above, but considering that it is actually applicable and relatable to the character I've victimized, I'm gonna leave it on it's perch.  Enjoy your unceremonious treat from yours truly, my lovelies :)



The story might be a bit messy MAINLY because I'm incorporating a completely different theme into this.  When I started Loser, I only had an idea for the prologue.  Quickly after I started Loser, I got working on The Blue String which I had gotten four chapters into oh my gracious Lord who knew I'd get past second base

Also, for those of you wondering, I started writing The Blue String because of a nightmare I had maybe a month ago.


"Erickson Y/N?"

The receptionist called out to the room of women, her eyes searching for the foreigner.

A girl barely in her twenties with blonde, curly hair and striking green eyes rose, nibbling on her bottom lip anxiously.  Ducking her head in embarrassment, she made quick steps to the desk.  "Miss Erickson; Dr.  Kim will see you now."  The woman attempted a smile to the young girl, but it appeared more like a grimace.

Y/N walked to the designated patient's room, meekly knocking before entering to be greeted by the smell of Lysol and kiwi.  A handsome man in scrubs was seated on the swiveling chair beside the counter, his glasses balanced on the edge of his perfectly shaped nose.  His bleached hair was growing out just showing the dark roots and brushing past his eyebrows.  A pin reading Doctor Kim Seokjin adorned his breast pocket.

"Miss Erickson?"  The man called, not looking up from his clipboard.

The timid girl nodded before realizing he couldn't see her.  "Yes, sir."

"So, you're here for an ultrasound?"  Dr.  Kim gave her a questioning look -- face, stomach, back to face -- before placing his clipboard on the desk and standing up.

Y/N flinched at the sound of the clipboard, but said quickly, "Yes, I'm here for a pregnancy test.  Um, I mean, an official one-"

Dr.  Kim adjusted the cot so she could lay down.  "I understand, ma'am.  Please -- sit."  Y/N quickly did as told, waiting for further instruction.

Noticing the younger's nerves, the doctor decided to make small talk as he got to work.  "That's a beautiful ring. Isn't that an opal stone?"

The foreigner's breath caught when her eyes settled on the ring wrapped tightly around her left ring finger.  "Thank you, and yes, it is."

"Well, your husband must be excited about the new addition to the family!"  Dr.  Kim comfortingly smiled at his patient's exhausted figure.  "Unless...  You haven't told him yet?"

Y/N stayed silent, but when a black-and-white live-action video popped up on the television screen, a small gasp escaped her.

"There's the little guy!  Of course, we can't tell the gender yet, but you can see him right-"  the doctor pointed to a small blob in the middle of the gray-white space.  "-Here."

The woman swallowed the lump in her throat before thanking him softly.  Despite the atmosphere, Dr.  Kim continued to chatter on while cleaning her belly of the jelly.  "I'm so excited for you! Have you or the father narrowed down a list of names yet?"


He pursed his lips, telling himself to calm down while he fished the printed ultrasound out of the tray.  "Well, I wish your family the best of luck!"  He smiled his perfect smile to her.

"Thank you, Dr.  Kim." Y/N avoided his eyes, wanting to escape the room.

"Have a splendid day, Mrs.  Ericks-" He cut himself off in confusion, but before he could ask, the young adult had already bolted from the room.


Or missus?


Please vote, share and comment. I love reading your comments!

Kay its nearly four in the morning imma go. Bye-bye my lovely bees <3

Much love,

Sola Luna

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