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you've been warned

By the time the school staff were finally dismissed, Jimin had managed to consume all of the left-over chocolate stored in the receptionist's desk, get yelled at twice by the principal, recieve a love note from one of the female teachers, and watch himself on the CCTV for at least half an hour. So watching his friend have a slight argument with her housemate was welcome entertainment.

"Y/N, please-"

"As I am fully-functioning, I don't need you to carry my bag, Seungkyun."

The bleached-blond boy exasperatedly sighed, throwing his hands up in surrender. "I'm merely trying to help, Y/Nie."

"I know you are, and I appreciate it, but I'm-"

"My hoe is an independent woman, pretty-boy." Jimin casually slung his arm over the woman's small shoulders before giving Seungkyun -- who stiffened at the thought of the older hurting his best friend -- a little wink. "But you can carry me home."

"No, thank you, good sir; I'm sure Y/N would not appreciate your screaming in our apartment." He shot back, causing Jimin to choke on his spit in surprise.

"Gah, why am I always the bottom?" Jimin complained but was never answered; instead, he was deserted in the office as Y/N shoved her bag into Seungkyun's arm's and pushing him out of the school entrance to his car. Jimin, still slightly aghast, scoffed as he watched the duet leave.

After trying to help a fully-functioning, independent woman into the passenger's seat and setting her bag in the cab of the automobile, Seungkyun started the car. The air-conditioning immediately roared to life, cooling them down on the hot September day.

"How was work today?"

Y/N shrugged. "It was okay, I guess. Despite Jimin eating all of my chocolate, he made it better than it would have been without him." After speaking, Seungkyun wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively, to which she lightly slapped his forearm in disapproval. "No, weirdo, we're not like that. Besides, he's into guys."

"Watch your tone, young lady; he could be bisexual."

"Could we not argue about this?" She quickly dismissed.

Her best friend quickly nodded before slyly turning the subject to her. "So how are you feeling? Has she kicked yet?"

"Of course not! They aren't even a quarter developed yet. Also, are you assuming it's gender?" She finished defensively, Seungkyun paying close attention to her shaking voice and figure sinking further into her seat. "And despite the fatigue, I'm good."

"Just a hunch."

A slightly awkward silence settled before Y/N decided to ask Seungkyun her fair share of questions. "How was work? And the trainees?"

Seungkyun sighed heavily, the stress seeping through his cool and collected demeanor. "Work was... Fine, I guess. It's just- nevermind."


"They're just so hard to work with! They don't listen, and don't even get me started on that asshat, Mr. G-Dragon-wannabe-" He quickly cut himself off. "Sorry."

"No, it's okay."

"Namjoon -- um, that one producer that you said looked like an egg -- has asked Sihyuk numerous times if he could drop some of the trainees, but Sihyuk isn't having it. Actually, I thought Namjoon was going to strangle one of the kids today, and frankly, I had no intention in stopping him."

"Eggsy wouldn't hurt a fly!" Y/N exclaimed, recalling the man's cloud-like personality.

Seungkyun rolled his eyes. "You're right, he wouldn't, but still."

Y/N held back her giggle as the car rolled over the destroyed asphalt of their neighborhood.

Seungkyun then drove into the garage before parking and getting out to help his fully-functioning, independent best friend into the house.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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