Chapter One

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In a special corporation facility called N.E.S.T. a group of children were on a school trip. Eric stood at the back of the group listening to a scientist talking about the Earth's atmosphere, Eric was feeling a little bored as he knows about the Earth's atmosphere already, he had learnt about it when he was in third grade and the more he listened the more bored he became.

Eric turned his head to look back, he saw some people walking by, and he saw scientists, engineers, guards and secretaries. Then Eric saw someone familiar, he turned his head back around to see if any of his teachers were paying attention to the scientist. Eric saw everyone was too busy listening to the scientist. He turned around and walked down towards the man, Eric was now one foot away from the man and forty-five feet away from the group. He tapped the man on the back to get his attention.

"Hi Jack" said Eric.

Jack worked as a nuclear engineer, he started working in the facility four years ago, after he left university, before he got this important job, he joined the company in a low-key maintenance appointment. However, it did not take long for his quality to shine through and he quickly progressed to the senior manager's position. After he passed all his training with exceptional grades, he finally decided to become a nuclear engineer, he first used monitors to do tests and operate nuclear reactors then slowly he moved to the dangerous part of nuclear engineering. He now specialises in the design and development of nuclear equipment. When there was a problem with the nuclear stability and heat systems, he uses special pipes which were made by him to solve any problems even the very dangerous and deadly ones.

Jack smiled when he turned and saw his little brother.

"Hey Eric" said Jack, then roughly rubbed Eric's head messing up his hair.

Eric laughed and tried to get Jacks hand off his head Jacks hand didn't move, eventually he removed his hand leaving Eric's hair a big mess.

"You alright?" said Eric while fixing his hair.

"" said Jack.

"Alright, just a little bored" said Eric.

"Really" said Jack.

Eric nodded in reply.

"So, what's my peep squeak brother up to today?" said Jack folding his arms.

"Oh, nothing just wanted to say high to my big dumb brother" said Eric "Any way I thought after school you and I could go and get some ice-cream. What do you think?"

'Ice-cream' Jack thought "sure, I'm picking the place where we're going" said Jack.

"What!?" said Eric with an element of frustration in his voice. "But you always pick places, why can't I?"

"Because I'm older, smarter and know where the best places are" said Jack still smirking at his brother.

"Fine but I'm choosing what we're having" said Eric still slightly frustrated by Jack for not letting him choose a place for them.

Jack looked at Eric thinking should he let him pick what ice-cream they should have, Jack had been calling all the shots ever since Eric was a five-year-old. He had a lot of thought and considering the fact Eric was way older than that now and thought he was ready to pick the things they'll be having and doing, but not ready about picking the places, Jack thinks Eric should wait till he turns fifteen.

"Deal" said Jack.

They took each other's hands for a shake not breaking eye contact, they stopped shaking hands and smiled at each other.

"Eric come on we're moving now and stay in the group" said one of Eric's teachers and walked back to the group.

Eric followed his teacher and waved bye to his brother, Jack waved back, and Eric re-joined the group of children and walked down the hall room. Jack turned and went down to another hall room to join the other nuclear engineers.

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