The End

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This Chapter will also start with Levi's POV. Again I do not own any of the characters just Tatum because she is not a character in Rainbow Rowell's "fangirl". Hope you enjoy!

            Levi walked around the house to the backyard. As he leaned over a bush there was a rustle not to far away. "Ha I got ya now!", he yelled and ran towards the direction of the noise. "Ha I got you!" He yelled while catching the animal. "A dog? Really this is what I've been trying to catch for 3 days now!" Levi said to himself while holding the dog. "Well I'll take you inside and see what Cath thinks we should do with you." As he finished talking Cath came around the corner with baby in her arms "What   Am I deciding?" She said rocking Tatum back and forth. God she adorable and even more so with his daughter in her arms. "Your deciding What we do with this..." he responded tipping his chin down at the scrappy dog. He watched her as she thought. Again he was reminded that she was his family now. He heard her talking some more so tuned in. "Well I was thinking if he doesn't have a collar we but out missing posters and after a while if no one comes to get him we can just keep him." As Levi thought this over he came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be all that bad really to add one more to their household. "Alright! Sounds like a plan."

Levi decide that the first thing now was to give the dog a bath. So he filled the tub with about a foot of soapy warm water and plopped the dirty dog right in. At first the little Whippet day right down like this was a routine and endured the bath. When he came out he looked like a brand new dog.  "What are we going to name him?" Levi heard Cath say from the door way. "Hmm what about Arlo since that's what we were going to name our baby if she was a boy. We could say these are our babies Tatum and Arlo." Levi said. He said everything as fast as he thought and he was pretty sure Cath likes that about him because I mean it helped them get together at points.

This part is being told by Cath.

At first she wasn't sure if a dog was the best pet to have with a baby around. Of course Cath went to the internet for an answer and found that dogs that grow up with a child will have a closer bond. Well okay she thought but we aren't going to be keeping him long anyways. I mean someone was bound to find the lost poster for him weren't they?
Cath walked down the stairs from the bathroom and into the kitchen. She started making grilled cheese for dinner. She heard Tatum laughing in the living room. Cath smiles to herself, she still couldn't believe that baby girl was their's. Now adding a dog to the family she had all she needed in her life. She looked around her kitchen as she thought about the first time she met levi and Reagan and how far they've all made it. After all Reagan was marrying her fiance next month. Yep their lives had all fallen into perfect places. As she finished the grilled cheeses, she also started this new chapter in her life with the family of her dreams.

Fangirl five years later(COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ