The Test.

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This chapter takes place about 4 weeks after the last one. Again I don't own any of the characters. They all take their debut in Rainbow Rowell's "Fangirl". Hope you like this update. (and all others in this story?)

"Levi!" Cath yelled while trying to keep upright. She felt nausea take place and immediately went back to sitting on the bed. "What's wrong Sweetheart?" Levi asked worry painted across his normally beaming face. "I need you to go to the store with me." she said trying to sound calm as she looked into his eyes "But first can you help me down the stairs?" Levi looked at Cath for a second trying to decide if he should be listening to her or if he should make her get some rest first. "Okay." Cath heard him sigh. "Thanks, I'll finish getting ready and then we'll go." She went on as she lightly caressed Levi's loving face as if she could erase the worried lines she just made on Levi's forehead. "So why are we going to the store right now?" Levi questioned her "Oh you know just to get a pregnancy test like we do everyday." She replied giddily trying to keep the smile of her face. She knew Levi wanted to have a baby and had been hoping for one. "Really?!" he said as she saw his smile take over his handsome face. "Yep." she beamed "Now lets get to the store." As Cath jumped out of the Truck Levi took her hand and walked her inside. She kissed him and walked to the bathroom. As she peed on the test her anxiety started to almost overwhelm her. Was she even ready for a baby? Did they have enough to support a family financially Stop! she said to herself because she didn't even know if she was pregnant yet. She quick put the test on the counter making sure not to look at the results. Then she washed her hands and called for Levi to come and look with her so they could share the moment with each other. "This is amazing!" Levi whispered as his eyes filled with tears and his face filled with a big happy smile. Yep Cath thought it's amazing that human can grow and develop inside of me.

So this chapter was just to show that Cath is pregnant and not an actual update. Hope you liked it anyways. Bye.

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