Chapter 13- Finally Telling Eli

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Emry's P.O.V-

"Eli, I have to tell you something... and it isn't easy for me." When I look back up into his eyes he looks like I just kicked him in the balls, pushed shadow down the stairs, and told him that his football team lost the super bowl. Keeping this secret from him kills me; he should have been the first one to know about this. He should have found out with me. What if he thinks I used him, or he doesn't want this baby with me? My stomach begins churning as if I ate something horrible and when the cool metallic taste fills my mouth I know that it's only a matter of seconds before I barf all over the floor. Taking no time to think I'm jumping out of bed and racing to the bathroom where I hang onto the toilet like it's a lifeline. The stench is strong that I can't stop throwing up and eventually everything is out, but I cannot stop dry heaving for several minutes. My sides are killing me from the dry heaving and I have tears in my eyes from being face down in the toilet for so long. There is a warmth on my back rubbing soothing circles which helps my body relax as I slowly sit down on the cold tiled floor against the wall. While I'm trying to catch my breath I see the concern and worry that Eli has plastered across his face while leaning down watching me. I'm not sure how long we stay this way, however I realize that I just threw up and can taste the aftermath on my tongue. Like a sloth I move slowly until I am standing and facing the set of double sinks and while Eli continues to stare off in the direction of where I was just sitting I make sure to brush my teeth and use a liberal amount of mouthwash in order to get the burning nasty taste out of my mouth. Without a word I head back into the bed room and slowly sit on the edge of the bed. When I look up from the floor I notice Eli has moved and is now standing there against the door frame of the bathroom looking at me with a mix of confusion and sadness on his face, I don't know what he's thinking and I'm to afraid to ask him like the coward I am. We sit in the quiet for some time that when he burst out into a crazy accusation I jump slightly, "Who's is it Emry? Who did you cheat on me with? Did you at least wait until we were on break when you thought I cheated on you?" Stunned and taken aback by his accusation is my immediate feelings, that is until what he says sinks in and then the stinging anger I begin to feel makes it seem as though he just slapped me across the face. "What? You thought I cheated on you? Are you FUCKING kidding me right now? Please tell me this is some kind of sick fucking joke of yours. Because if it is it really is not fucking funny Eli!"

You would think I just punched Eli in the gut with his breathing becoming shallow and the shock of my outburst taking him off guard. I probably should be feeling guilty or worried, but I could care less with how he feels in the moment; he just fucking accused me of cheating on him and that I was pregnant with another man's child! Me CHEATING what the FUCK?!?! He is going to know soon enough not to mess with a pregnant hormonal woman, oh he is so fucked now. Moving to stand in front of him I lose all control of my emotions and let go, "If YOU ELI ANTHONY BLACK THINK I FUCKING CHEATED ON YOU, WHEN I CAUGHT YOU CHEATING ON ME IN YOUR CLUB THEN I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE RIGHT NOW!!!" Breathing heavily, I sit back down on the edge of the bed as I put my head in my hands and try to calm down and moments later I notice Eli starts laughing. Full on belly, tears coming down his face laughing. This boy must still be loony from being hit on the head if he is laughing right now in the middle of a fight. "Why are you laughing right now Eli?" The smile on his face is beaming with mischievous, "Because you have no idea what you're talking about Em. I never cheated on you not once and when you realize what you walked in on you will know why I was laughing so hard." He wants me to know so badly that he wasn't cheating? Alright let him explain then. "FINE!! Then tell me what you were doing!" "Nope, not until you tell me, what is going on with you!" "No, I DID NOT FUCKING CHEAT ON YOU! You want to know what's going on with me. Fine, I'm pregnant and of course it's yours. No one else's because you are the only person I have been with. Because if you must know I was a virgin before you and I have only been with you!! DO YOU FEEL BETTR NOW!!!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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