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Grrr. That was the sound of pure joy; a sound signaling that it was time for Frank to eat. Now you're probably thinking 'Frank, you like when you're hungry enough that your body feels the need to loudly tell everyone around you by making awkward sounds?' Yes, yes he does. He tends to eat when he's bored, so he eats a lot. Too much. He's been trying to cut back and get his dream Arnold Schwarzenegger body, and today he had resisted the urge to binge eat. Well, until now. Frank got up from his room-which, by the way, seemed all too similar to his old one- and went to the dining hall. He decided to treat himself to his favorite food, a triple layer bean burrito. This was what he would always get back at college after an intense workout, just to reward himself for that extra hard work. Frank scooped up the piece of heaven sitting in front of him, mouth watering the entire time. He prepared himself to be transported to a magical world of holy deliciousness, mouth open wide and ready to embark on this adventure. Right as he was about to complete his journey, the ship started to turn. At first it was 90 degrees, then a complete 180. His burrito slammed right into his face, blinding him in the best way possible. Frank wiped (but mostly licked) the exploded beans off of his face as he was falling, trying to brace himself for the hard landing. He frantically tried to get in a standing position and maintain his balance, but it turns out walking on a ceiling is a lot harder than it looks. Plates, silverware, and fruits were falling all around him, and soon enough the table would too. Frank saw the table start to come closer, and closer. He lunged to his left and narrowly avoided having the lower half of his body completely crushed.

Frank crawled his way to hallway, a remarkable achievement really. Annabeth and Hazel's bedroom doors swung wide open, which must've been hard to do upside down. They all looked at each other with the same look: How in Hades' name is this happening? Since Percy, Jason, and Piper's rooms were vacant that meant they had to be above deck facing whatever it was causing this. The three demigods sprinted to get up there, but Frank wasn't taught how to walk up stairs that were upside down. Before they had time to come up with a game plan, the ship rotated again, this time back to where it should be. They raced up the stairs and saw their enemies. They were a set of twins, very masculine looking, standing in between Percy, Piper, and Jason in a triangular shape. The twins had amazing muscles, the ones Frank had always dreamed of. He told himself he could cry about it later, but now he had to focus on what was at hand. They both held weapons, ready to lunge into action. One of the twins-the blonde one- turned to look at them before striking at Percy.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to join the party! Welcome, to the rest of the insignificant half-bloods. I'm so happy to have you all here. I was just going to rough these guys up a bit before you got here, but I guess we can save that for later. Alas, I am Pollux. This is my brother Castor." Castor just gave them a head nod, almost too afraid to do anything else it seemed.

"We are here to capture the Chosen One. But, I'm sure you already guessed that. Since we don't know who it is, we have several methods to weed them out. Personally, I placed my bets on the blonde girl, Miss Annabeth Chase, so maybe we'll start with her." Every muscle in Percy's body visibly tensed, and his expression never looked more determined to deck a man. He sauntered over to Annabeth, acting as if he had all the time in the world. He gave her a smile only a psychopath could pull off and added a cheeky wink with it. Annabeth spit in his face.

Pollux laughed and said, "Castor, you know what to do." Castor then snapped his fingers and from out of nowhere came 5 more floating beings similar to them, but noticeably less powerful. They grabbed the remaining demigods, pinning their arms behind their backs. Percy managed to elbow one of them in the gut and attempted to get to Annabeth, but Castor blew some air in his direction and he was sent flying backwards.

Pollux looked back, satisfied with the results. "Now," he said, as he raised his hand above his head. He took a slight pause, for dramatic effect, and came straight down, slapping Annabeth to the ground. Percy was kicking and fighting, but all he could do was sit and watch. Annabeth acted as if she was semi-unconscious, because we all know a hit like that could never take her down. Pollux went to pick her up, and she took her opportunity. She dove at his feet, taking him down. This glimpse of hope was exactly what the demigods needed. They fought against the servants holding them, almost getting free. Frank's servant was so small, all it took was a kick to the groin and he was down. The other demigods were approaching a successful break away, when Pollux managed to get back up and get to his sword. He looked around, presumably to take in his soon-to-be defeat. He gazed down at his sword longingly and gripped it tight. Annabeth was about to attack when Pollux thrust his sword downward into the wooden floor of the deck, causing an explosion of icy blue colors. The blade shattered into a million electrifying pieces, leaving the hilt resting in Pollux's hand. Everybody was thrown backwards, except Pollux. Even Castor, and he looked especially shocked.

Everybody slowly rose to their feet, not eager to discover what had just happened to them. Frank tentatively looked at his friends, and was greeted with utter shock. They all had the icy blue colors running through their veins. It felt invigorating, like a river of refreshing water coursing throughout Frank's body. This feeling... why did it make him feel more powerful? How does that benefit Pollux and Castor?

Pollux looked around, grinning like a madman. He licked his lips, as if he was preparing to go in for the kill of his prey.

"I was hoping to have some more fun, but alas. All good things must come to an end, right Chosen One? You'll know that more than ever momentarily." Pollux looked each demigod in the eye, a cold stare Frank will never be able forget.

"You see, that blue running through your veins, making you feel energized, is a specially formulated chemical that attaches specifically to demigod blood. True to its feeling, it does enhance your godly abilities. It can be a force that revolutionizes every half-blood known to man. But, what's the fun in that? The Chosen One has a specific DNA coding that we've designed this chemical to latch on to. All I have to do is press this-" He gestured to the ruby diamond placed perfectly on the hilt. Frank knew it seemed odd, but he didn't think to question it. "-and the chemical will attach itself to each one of your DNA. But, once it detects the Chosen One's DNA, it will send excruciatingly miserable waves of pain all throughout their body, hitting their nervous system with enough electrification to kill a centaur. Huh, how ironic. Could kill you, but that works too."

Castor shifted uneasily, looking like he wanted to say something, but was too afraid of the reaction it would get.

"Uh, Pollux? Will we still be able to extract their power if they're-" Pollux floated over to him with an impossible speed and clamped his mouth shut.

"What did I tell you about asking questions? Anything you wonder about is irrelevant." Pollux spat out at his brother. He floated away from him, not waiting for a response. Castor's expression sunk, but he quickly regained his composure.

"So, Chosen One," Pollux continued. "I suggest you surrender yourself now and avoid the whole you-could-probably-die bit. But either way is fine with me, because there's no victory in your near future, young heroes."

Yeah, I'm back.
- ricksheroes

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