The best film ever

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Peyton went back yesterday. But I am fine. I have the video documentary to finish. It should distract me. Right?

The editing comes together brilliantly. The footage is clear, the history behind us is spot-on, I even had Peyton re-tell me the story behind her crazy outfits and what made her decide to be the way she was.

That brings me to my current thought. As I'm editing through that scene, I try and understand what she might be coming from. How could I be so self-centered? I'm sure I didn't go out with her for her looks but why didn't I notice her before? That would've at least left me feeling less guilty.

Tomorrow, Monday, I have to give in my video documentary to Ms. Shively. Will she accept the story of me and Peyton? Knowing her, she might count it as off topic. I quickly save myself by using the microphone and adding something about how Peyton and me connecting really helped our relationship grow and have more of an effect on each other. Which most definitely isn't a lie.

I Skyped her a little bit yesterday when she got back to her dorm and also video taped it so people could see how we stay in touch and also Peyton did a small tour of her dorm room. Peyton and her roommate have definitely decorated a lot since I was last there.

So today is what I call editing day. Editing day is tiring. I enjoy editing day.

You can tell by my writing that I'm overly tired.

Pushing myself away from my laptop, I go downstairs and try not to trip over stairs. "Adam, you better not be over-doing it again." my mom scolds when she's sees my stumbling. The stairs are starting to look more and more comfortable to lay down on. "Adam! Get down here!" Again, my mom is never one to raise her voice. It doesn't ever come from the short, blonde haired lady but watch my mom quickly turn into a fiery red-headed dragon when I do something wrong. Only me. Gotta feel that love.

I rush down the last few steps and she makes me lay down on the couch. "I'm going to make you soup and then you're going to sleep."

When my mom gets this way, I can only agree to go to sleep on will. Even though it's kind of impossible. Don't argue with mother. After I eat, I go right to sleep.


Mom apparently let me sleep the rest of the day. When I wake up, it's midnight. "Mom! Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"You needed sleep, Adam!"

"But I have to get a good grade on my documentary and I haven't finished editing it!"

"You'll be fine go finish it up now."

Ughhhhhhhh. In eight hours I have to go to school. And have this thing completed. Well, at least I have footage of everything I needed.

For three hours I sit at my laptop and edit more footage. Now that I'm rested I can focus better and I only have a little left to do. Right?

Time could not go slower. I hate editing footage.


Why is it I always end up running late in the mornings where I get no sleep? That's a rhetorical question, by the way. I barely have enough time to get dressed and grab the disk of the documentary. I fell asleep right after I finished the footage at 3 AM.

For some reason, the documentaries are the talk of the school when I enter the building. What's the big deal? If you're not in the class, you don't get to see it. Maybe they're just wondering who will have the best ones and if it's going to be boring. I know I'm dreading that part.

"Hey Adam," One of Peyton's friends comes up to me. I think her name's Rebeckah. "Hey." I pretend I know her well. "Did you hear they're going to pick the top 5 students for the video documentaries and then show them to the entire school?"

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