Chapter 3- The Long Haul

Start from the beginning

I didn't expect a human, much less an attractive one, to waltz in with an easy smile. Even if I hadn't heard his voice, just from the way he walked I could tell who he was. His hair was black and shaggy, his skin mocha colored, tall, muscular, and to top it all off his handsome face holding electric blue eyes. He was dressed in a silver shirt, black jeans, silver athletic shoes, and an open black jacket. Black glasses that mimicked his visor sat hooked in his shirt collar. My eyes widened and my breath hitched. Man, I seriously have it in for a alien robot...

Kayla glared at him "Jazz, eh? Nice to finally meet you after... how long?"

Jazz's smile took my breath away "Since a few hours ago, nice ta meet ya." He then looked to me and his eyes softened "Are ya ready, Amy?" I could care less what he'd ask me at that moment, I'd say yes to anything with those eyes. I started to see spots and my mind snapped back to the real world. Remember to breathe. I obeyed and took a breath.

"Yes, sorry. I was making sure I turned off all the lights." I made a sweeping motion around the room with my phone to accentuate the fact. Jazz nodded and started picking up my bags and starting out the door "Ah'll jus take these out."

Kayla looked to me then "I don't think this is a good idea Amy. You barely know this guy... truly!"

I placed my hands on her shoulders, I had to come up with something smooth to convince her I wasn't loosing my mind... Got it. "Do you remember our conversation at the Diner today?" Kayla nodded slowly, her mind turning over our day. My words came out as a whisper

"I know."

Her mouth opened slightly and her breath escaped like I'd punched her in the gut. Her face morphed between many emotions in the span of a few moments as she process the words. Finally, she looked to me with eyes full of sisterly love and pulled me into a bear hug "Then go girlie. Be careful and I'll see you when you get back." I felt bad for lying, but then again, it wasn't completely a lie.

She walked me to Jazz's alt form and I sat in his passenger seat with my camera bag in my lap. Kayla didn't say much after that, but her smile said all I needed to know. Jazz put my clothes bag in the back seat and slid into the driver's spot. He looked to me with a smile then continued the motion to stare out the back as he reversed and popped his glasses over his eyes. I weakly waved at Kayla as my heart sank, what if I never see her again? Her form waved back then turned to lock the garage door and head to her truck.

As the house vanished from sight I frowned "Will she be safe, you know, since she knows me?"

Jazz's eyes twinkled in amusement "She'll be jus fine. Don't worreh bout a thing Amy."

I felt better, just like that. His voice held so much certainty and so much promise that it was hard not to. I relaxed into the seat and started to draw circles on the seat belt. It was a few minutes before I assembled the right words to ask.

"So.. you're human now?" As soon I had said it Jazz's voice filled the cab and he laughed heartily. The air conditioner kicked on as he wiped his eyes on his finger "Not exactly." In a flurry of static he disappeared from the driver's side then reappeared. He winked at me "S' called a holoform, helps meh blend in betteh."

I hesitantly reached over and poked his shoulder for good measure, surprised to hit solid shoulder. Jazz winked at me "Ah assure ya, it's meant to be as real as possible." At this I blushed a deep crimson, my mind going back to it's earlier thoughts. I cleared my throat and glanced back outside looking for anything remotely interesting. He must have sensed my unease and laughed, but he dropped the subject. For now.

I sighed as my eyes landed on the blue clock and it read 4am. A yawn broke free and my eyes watered from the intensity. The seat started to slowly lean back and warm as Jazz looked to me softly "Sleep now lil lady. Ah'll be right here." My eyes started to drift shut and I stopped playing with the seat belt. My entire being relaxed and fell into a restful sleep.

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