Chapter 8

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Two months later - I've been feeling like death for the last month. I'm talking about nausea, vomiting in the mornings when I wake and after having breakfast and I've gained some weight.

"Baby, I think you should make yourself a doctor's appointment if this keeps up," Julian says as I finish my bout of vomiting after eating breakfast.

Nodding as I stand, flushing the toilet in the process before stepping to the sink to brush my teeth. "I will if it's still happening Monday morning." I'm tired of being sick twice a morning. I haven't felt like this since I was pregnant with Archer. Crap. Maybe I'm pregnant since there's been a few times in the last three months that Julian and I've forgotten to have him wear a condom.

"Should we take little man to the park before we head the the Lang's?" I ask as I gently tickle Archer's tummy as Julian holds him against his hip with a loving smile at the baby and I.

"Of course, it'll help with his nap after lunch, if he's already a little worn out. He's got so much energy like you, love," Julian says with a smile and a wink at me causing me to blush deeply.

The three of us are planning on heading to the Lang household for lunch today since it's Saturday and none of us have to work today or tomorrow. Parker has been better about his comments when I'm around. Abby said it was something to do with Parker feeling guilty that it was making Amy upset that we couldn't go to their home to spend time because of him.

Julian allows me to dress as he dresses Archer in his room before I take him allowing Julian to dress afterwards. Pecking Julian on the lips before I head to the closet and he goes to Archer's room. "Love you, Jules," I say as he leaves our bedroom with our son.

"Love you, too Bray," he replies as he walks from the room.

Twenty minutes later, we're heading out of the apartment, taking Julian's car to the Lang household. Talking the whole way while listening to Archer talk in the back.

"Pa!" Archer squeals as Julian pulls into the drive of the Lang's. Opening the back door to unbuckle him from the carseat while kissing his chubby cheeks causing him to giggle hard.

"Ready to go inside, love?" Julian asks as he grabs Archer's bag from me. Nodding at him we walk to the front door, before Julian can even knock, Abby flings the door open with a huge grin.

"Hi," she chirps out happily as we enter the house behind her to the backyard where the other three are.

"Were you watching for us?" I giggle out at Abby as she bounces the whole way.

She nods furiously as we enter the backyard. "Yup," she answers popping the 'p'.

"Hello boys," Patrick greets us from his grill where he's cooking burgers. Julian and I greet him back with our own 'hello's' as Archer squeals in delight at seeing Patrick and Amy, as he makes grabby hands at Patrick.

"Sorry bubs, can't hold you now," Patrick chuckles out.

Archer's bottom lip wavers with big fat tears streaming down his cheeks as I walk past Patrick toward Amy, who's sitting at the picnic table near the fire place talking to two older women. 'Well shit,' I think to myself feeling like we're intruding on something.

"Hello Amy," Julian and I greet her as I smile weakly at the other women, who are staring at the three of us.

Amy turns to us as she stands hugging myself and Archer before hugging Julian. She turns her attention to the two women. "Mom, April, this is Brayden," she tells them pointing to me while I'm sporting wide eyes.

She gestures toward Archer and Julian as she introduces them, too. "This little handsome boy is Archer, Brayden's son, and this other handsome boy is Julian, Bray's boyfriend."

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