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1 year later - Archer just celebrated his 2nd birthday a month ago, Jazmin just celebrated her 1st birthday two weeks ago, and the triplets - Bianca, Jaycob and Jayson just turned two months old today (they're birthday is the day after Archer's).

Yup, I have five kids 2 years old and younger. Jazmin, Bianca, Jayson and Jaycob are Julian's children by blood where as Archer may not be by blood, he's still Julian's, whom he adopted shortly after Archer's first birthday.

Julian works for a modeling agency (come on, he's damn sexy) and I work there as a fill in model, mainly I work from home as a book editor for a small publishing company.

Julian and I were married last year when I had found out I was two months pregnant with Jaz. Our ceremony was a quant little ceremony held at the beach, with our families (minus the hateful grandmother), and a few close friends. Archer was our ring bearer who I carried down the aisle.

Abby was my best woman and Julian's best friend from high school. Cooper Harris, was his best man. I walked myself (with Archer in my arms and Jazmin in my belly) down the aisle since I walked into my new life with only my son, I was going to enter my newest chapter with my baby boy and the newest baby in my belly.

I'm becoming closer to my birth parents, it's been baby steps with them but I like to think we're farther than we were a year ago when I showed up at their door. Abby and I are insanly close, what can I say my baby sister is awesome. Parker is still Parker just not as vocal, sadly I don't think he and I will ever be on good terms. Amy's parents and Patrick's dad are just down right cool. Peter (Patrick's dad) always makes an effort to see all of us, just minus his wife.

Life might have had its bumps but I wouldn't trade my life for anything because it has made me who I am today. For that I will be forever thankful. I found my forever.

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