Chapter 7

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Today is Archer's first birthday, a month obviously has passed. Julian has moved into my apartment about two weeks ago since we're always together anyway, it just seemed logical.

I've been recieving hang up calls or calls where all the person on the other ends does is breath heavily. I've been having these calls for a week. Everytime I recieve multple calls from an unknown number I block it, just to have more from other numbers (that I block). I have a feeling these calls are from Ryan but I'm not sure since the person on the other end never says anything.

But since today is my baby boy's birthday, we're having a small get together for him at the apartment. Amy, Aby and Patrick, Julian's parents and sister (the girl who was with him and parents at the resturant when I meet him), a couple of coworkers of mine and Julian's who've we've become friends with and they have their own children. All in all including the three of us, we're going to have sixteen people in our apartment, perhaps I should have had it at the park. I'll keep that in mind for next year if it's a little two croweded this year in the apartment.

"Baby, we have an hour before people start arriving," Julian tells me as he enters the kitchen with Archer on his hip.

Turning away from the cake I'm decorationg, I can't hide the smile at the sight of my two boys. "Alright, thanks babe. I'm almost done with the cake," I tell him as I turn back to finish.

Julian snakes his free arm around my waist as he places his hips flush with mine as Archer plays with my hair. "Looks great, baby," Julian whispers into my ear.

Shivering at his hot breath in my ear, I hum out a 'thank you' as I finish up. Archer's favorite show is 'Paw Patrol', so his cake has blue with yellow paw prints and red trim with three action figures on the top along with a number 1 candle and the logo on the front of the cake. It also reads 'Happy Birthday, Archer James!' in white lettering.

As I place the candle on the top of the cake, there's a knock at the door. "I've got it baby, why don't you put the cake in the fridge and change?" Julian says as he and Archer head to the door. The two of them are already changed for the party.

Nodding as I grab the cake, I reply with, "Alright, thank you babe." As I'm entering our shared bedroom, I hear Julian greet my birth family and Archer screaches at them. He's grown to love them and very comfortable with them over the last several months.

Giggling to myself as I step into the closet to grab clean clothes before showering. Once I'm done with everything, I head back to the living room where I find everyone sitting on the furniture since there's nothing to do until the party starts in a half an hour.

Smiling at the sight before me of Abby and Patrick down on the floor playing happily with an equally happy Archer. "Hey," I greet them as I sit on the arm of the chair where Julian's sitting, gaining 'hello's' and 'hey's' in reply. Julian pulls me onto his lap with a smirk as I playfully glare at him.

We talked until the others started arriving a half an hour later, the birthday party in full swing now. By the end of the party, three hours later, I have to say, I believe it went rather well. There were little games for the little ones to play, everyone had cake and ice cream after singing 'Happy Birthday' to Archer and I had to help him blow his candle out since he didn't understand how to exactly blow it out. He then opened his gifts and the little ones played more with his new and older toys.

As Julian and my coworkers leave, my birth family and Julian's stayed for dinner and about an hour after dinner was done, all of them left except Abby, who asked ans is staying the night with us.

"So, what would you like to do?" I ask Abby after putting Archer to sleep in his room. My baby had a busy but fun afteroon and evening. He was very tired.

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