Nathan just stared at him, and it confused me that both of them were equally as calm. Every time I've experienced seeing them come across each other, it always ended in a bloodbath. I observed Nathan as Nathan tried figuring out James.

"He called me last night," Nathan finally spoke, looking completely unsure of himself. "First time we've spoke since the accident." He continued and James nodded his head slowly.

James looked away from us and kept his gaze to the side of him. He leaned against his car with his arms in his front jean pockets, looking way more confident in himself than Nathan did right now. I wondered what Nathan was thinking about that was stressing him out so badly but I knew I couldn't ask him until later.

"14 more days," James informed him, keeping his gaze to the floor, not meeting Nathan's eyes.

Nathan was looking at him nonetheless. "It's almost your time for revenge, you couldn't possibly be getting cold feet now." Nathan teased him sarcastically.

"I'm not," James bit back and shuffled around in his spot. "You should just know that once he gets out, the situation isn't in my hands anymore." He muttered the last part. Nathan chuckled in disbelief, shaking his head as he looked away, rubbing his jaw while he took in James' words.

"So you are getting cold feet, why else would you feel the need to tell me that? You've had it out for me this whole time, what changed? Huh? All of sudden you're getting hesitant?" Nathan scoffed.

"That's not the case, you dick. Yeah, I've had it out for you and still do, that didn't change. But I know the damage he's willing to cause and he's going to go farther than I would've ever gone." James replied back quickly, explaining himself. "I'm not going to be the one to stop him, but I'm warning you now, watch yourself. I wouldn't try anything stupid with him." James warned Nathan but Nathan didn't seem to care the slightest bit.

"Thanks for the advice, but I don't need it. I know what's going to happen and I'll be damned if you think I'm going to step down and let a murderer get away with what he's caused. Your family's money may have lessened his sentence but he's going to end up straight back in that same place and I'm going to make sure he's going to rot there as long as I'm alive." Nathan's drunken words spat out towards James who's jaw was tightening as he tried holding himself back. This was a whole new dynamic that I've seen with James and Nathan, and I was beginning to worry about the outcome.

"I'm trying to help you, asshole." James raised his voice at Nathan, getting frustrated that his message isn't going through Nathan's head.

"I don't need your fucking help! If anything you're the one who caused this mess in the first place, you did this! You've ruined my fucking life, and now you suddenly want to help me? Yeah fucking right." Nathan's voice cut through the thick tension in the air, and I winced as I could hear the hurt and stress in his voice.

"Fuck you," James said in a lower tone but anger crossed his features quicker than the lightening rumbled in the sky. "You ruined my life just as much I did yours, and I'm sure your little girlfriend here doesn't even know the full story. I already know you only told her a tiny snippet of that night, but we both know you aren't some saint that saved her that night. You were equally as involved in that night as I was." James laid down some new information and I looked over at Nathan for confirmation if it was true or not. Nathan didn't look at me but rather kept his gaze to the floor.

"You knew I wasn't in the right state of mind that night, you purposefully set me up." Nathan said quietly then his tone changed within seconds, and neither of us were expecting it. "YOU SET ME UP! You fucking set me up that night, you did it! You fucking did it." Nathan charged towards James but I raced to stand in between them. His voice held so much emotion and I could see tears racing up at the brim of his eyes. I didn't want this night to get any worse for him, and the last he needs is a physical fight. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back.

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