Chapter 23

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After a long and awkward drive in the vans, in which you were uncomfortably seated between Wataru and another brother, you arrived at the restaurant  The other brother possessed silver hair paired with unnaturally purple eyes. Throughout the entire drive, he kept trying to hug you, making you very uncomfortable. Luckily, am man who you could only assume was his twin, noticed this and would smack the silver haired man every time. You gingerly step out of the care, naturally gravitating towards Masaomi as you walk. Once you reach the front doors, masaomi reaches out and opens it, holding it for everyone. You allow everyone to pass and then follow Masaomi inside. Seeing as Ciel was still busy, so he had not yet arrived and Gray was otherwise...... preoccupied..... with a certain "sister", Masaomi was the best protective figure that you had around.

As you enter the building, you notice a large group of girls gathered in a circle whispering. This was a regular occurrence to you, and usually you could ignore the gossip with the help of your triplets. Seeing as they weren't with you at the moment, you were all too aware of the whispers that were passed from girl to girl as they batted their eyelashes and pulled down their shirts, trying to expose as much cleavage as they possibly could. You suddenly start to feel self conscious as you notice that everyone else, even wataru is dressed up very fancily, and you are wearing your hoodie. Playing with the sleeves of it nervously, you inch over towards Masaomi, Hiding your face behind him slightly as you grab his hand for reassurance. You feel Masaomi lightly squeeze your hand causing you to smile lightly.  After Ukyo has checked in the group, the hostess escorts you and your family into a back room with a very long table set up. Made sense considering that they were over 13 people that were eating. Sitting down, you sat next to Masaomi, averting your eyes from the end of the table where Gray had sat down, Ema next to him. Counting the seats, you found that there were 20 seats. You smile to yourself, shaking your head as you know that Sebastian wouldn't be sitting with the table, not would he be eating anything. Odds are, knowing Sebastian, that if they do not have something that Ciel wants, he would go into the kitchen and make it himself. Though it has only happened a few dozen times, you know that Sebastian would not hesitate if it was asked of him.

You sigh, staring longingly at the seat next to you that has remained empty. You then shift you gaze to stare down the table, at the empty seat next to Ema, causing you to scowl slightly before you look away, averting your eyes to your lap. You hope that, unlike Gray, Ciel would still choose you over Ema. You hear the door open, causing you to swiftly lift you head up. As you expected, a white - gloved hand was holding the door open. As Ciel entered the room, you couldn't help the smile that slid on your face as you looked at him. All that you really needed right now was to be next to your triplet sitting next to you, maybe holding your hand under the table in reassurance. Your smile falls quickly, however, as Ciel doesn't even glance your way and, instead, walks over and sits next to Ema, handing his hat, coat and cane to Sebastian. Your lip trembles as tears gather in you eyes, threatening to fall. You quickly look back down at your lap, biting your lip in an effort to stop the sob that threatened to escape from your mouth.

'It's not a big deal, (y/n),' you think to yourself, willing the tears from your eyes. 'He has had a long day, he probably didn't notice you and was to tired to think about looking for you.' You reason with yourself though your words do more harm than good as you clench your hands in your lap, you hair falling over your face, shielding it from view. No matter how hard you tried, the same thing kept repeating in your head.

'He doesn't care..... They don't care..... I am nothing.'


A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating (school sucks) but I have another chapter that I will publish today! Also, I promise that there will be no self harm okie? Stay lovely~


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