Chapter 14

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*~*Still in dream*~*
When you woke up you could see Tanaka sitting in a chair next to you, a doctor standing above you. He hands you some pills and water and Tanaka helps you take them.

"The pain killers should help but she should try to stay off of her leg for a while." The doctor says before smiling at you at leaving. You turn to Tanaka.

"W-what happened?" You ask him. He looks at you in surprise before replying.

"You broke your leg from falling down the stairs." At his words your memories returned to you. You look down at your lap, biting your lip.

"Did you... see what happened..?" You ask him hesitantly. He only nods solemnly in reply. "Oh.." you say. The room fell into an awkward silence before Tanaka spoke up once more.

"Now miss, I usually do not condone with tattle-tailing, but in this case I think that it is only right that you tell your family what Ema did." You look up at him and he grins at you. You return his smile, glad that you have someone to talk to, before making your decision.

"Ok, lets go talk to my brothers." Tanaka nods to you before picking you up and outing you on his back to carry you.

When you get to the garden you see that Ciel, Grey and Ema are still sitting on the ground. However, Ema now has a doll in her hands. As you approach the group, Ciel hears Tanaka's footsteps, causing him to look up. Upon seeing you on his back, leg through my bandaged, he gasped and stood up, rushing over to you quickly.

"(Y/n)! What happened?" Ciel cries in distress as he sees you.

"E-Ema pushed me... down the stairs." You tell them, stuttering slightly. You hear Ema's voice from the where she is sitting on the grass in the garden.

"No I didn't she's LIEING. I just went upstairs to get my dolly." Ema tells them. "She's just trying to get me in trouble! She probably isn't even hurt and is just pretending so that I'll get in trouble." She exclaims dramatically. Grey turns to you, gaze cold.

"(Y/n)... Is this true...?" He asks you slowly, his eyes never once leaving yours.

"No! I'm telling the truth! I swear!" You exclaimed to your brothers, anxious and distressed that they would believe Ema over you. Ciel clicks his tongue in distaste before moving away from you, towards Ema and Grey.

"We don't want to hear your lies, (y/n). You should just go." He snaps at you harshly before turning his back on you. You stare at him in shock before burying your face into Tanaka's shoulder.

"Let's go Tanaka," you mumble sadly. Tanaka turns and you head back.into the house.

When you got back into the house Tanaka took you into the kitchen where he quickly took out some ice cream, scooping it into a bowl. He hands it to you, patting you on the head, before putting it back into the freezer.

"What am I going to do Tanaka?" You whisper to him as you eat your ice cream. He sighs. Before sitting on a stool next to you.

"I'm afraid that there's not much that you can do, Miss. The young masters can be rather stubborn once they have decided something. I doubt that you can ever change their minds. Besides, they will most likely forget about it soon enough." You nod silently in agreement, still eating your ice cream.

Tanaka was right and the incident was quickly forgotten by most, but not all. You could still vividly remember what had happened on your 8th birthday. From then on, the innocent, ignorant, belief that you had once held onto dissociated on to hate as you realized that Ema never liked you, and never would. As the years past, however, you knew one thing for certain.

Ema would NEVER be a sister to you.

The Girl in the Cat Hoodie (Anime Cross Over X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora