Chapter 21

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Grey rolls his eyes at you before walking into the room, closing the door behind him, and walking towards the bathroom. As he does, you speaks over his shoulder at you as you pull the dress over your head, successfully, covering yourself and preserving your modesty.

"It's not like you don't see me naked all the time (Y/n)-Chan," he walks into the bathroom and closes the door. You huff in irritation, sitting on the bed to put on your shoes as you stare at the door.

"Only because you have that weird stripping habit!" You retort, raising your voice slightly so that he can hear you. You hear him chuckle behind the door as he turns on the shower, stopping any other noises that he may have made from reaching your ears. Rolling your eyes, you finish pulling on your shoes before standing and walking over to the full length mirror in the corner.

Studying your appearance, you hum in approval before your eyes land on a darker patch of skin on your left side that can be seen through the lacy white fabric of the dress. You cringe in disdain as you allow your fingers to gingerly dance upon the spot. You shake your head as you start to feel a heavy feeling in your chest. You quickly grab your hoodie and pull it on, effectively covering the skin from view. Taking a deep breath, you walk out of the room making sure that you close and lock the door behind you as you walk towards the elevator (stairs and Ema in the same house as you give you PTSD). 

Waiting for the elevator to arrive at your floor, you let your mind wader, not thinking of one thing for to long, nor another to short. The one thing that kept your thoughts less than cheery, however, was the certainty that your brothers would be stollen from you at the "family dinner". You were used to it, by now, as you had many a dinners in Ema's company and it had happened every time before. Your brothers, seeing Ema as the "Special snowflake" in a way, always wanted to treat her the best. The justified their actions by saying that because she was visiting, she was a guest, thus her wishes came first. You couldn't help but feel that somehow, Ema was the one who had told them that, and caused them to exclude you. You take a deep breath as a ping sounds through the almost silent hallway, signaling the arrival of the elevator. The doors open, granting you access as you press the 5th button, heading towards the living room where everyone was meeting. Schooling your composure, you made a silent promise to yourself that you would try your hardest not to kill anyone.


(Sorry it's a little short!)

The Girl in the Cat Hoodie (Anime Cross Over X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin