Chapter 7

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"Wha...?" You question, trying to clear your mind. As you look around in confusion, you notice that you have been placed on one of the couches in the host club room. Sitting up, you turn to face your brothers. "What happened?"

Before your brothers could answer you, a tall man with glasses and black hair stepped in. "You fainted. I'm guessing that when Tamaki hugged you, he startled you into shock, bringing back some past memories, causing you to fall unconscious." He said with a pointed look towards the purple eyed blonde, who you now know as Tamaki.

"HUG?!" Both of your brothers yelled in horror. Almost instantly their shocked expressions turned into death glares. They slowly turned in sync as the set their sights on Tamaki. Seeing the murderous look in their gaze, you quickly grabbed their arms, preventing them from advancing.

"I'm okay Grey, Ciel. Really." You try to calm them down, giving the the cutest and most innocent look that you could manage. Your siblings sighed together and stopped their quest to kill the blond. Ciel sighed again, massaging the bridge of his nose before turning to face you.

"Alright, I'll let him go unpunished this time." He says, shooting a disapproving glance towards the blond.

"However," Grey continued Ciel's statement. "You are not coming back to this club."

"WHAT?!?!" Tamaki yells in horror. He runs over to where you are sitting and is about to grab you when someone someone stops him. You see that the tall, stoic man had grabbed Tamaki before he could touch you. Just for good measure, Gray and Ciel pull you into a hug, moving you further away from Tamaki.

"And that would be why." Ciel states in a clipped tone, casting a stare of ice at the blonde.

"What is why?" You hear a childish voice. Turning to see who it belongs to, your gaze finds a small boy with blonde hair and brown eyes wearing the Ouran uniform while holding onto a pink bunny. You hear Grey sigh as he and Ciel release you from their hug. He walks over to the small boy and crouches down to his height.

"Well you see, when it comes to things like female and male interaction, there are certain things that are appropriate and things that are inappropriate. Like randomly giving people hugs. If you touch someone without their consent, it is invading their personal space. It is not okay. That is why (Y/n) isn't coming back to your club. Invasion of personal space can be classified as a crime called 'harassment', and people go to jail for it." Grey finishes his explanation and gives the boy's head a quick pat before standing up again.

"Exactly," Ciel agrees in a monotonous voice. "You should be glad that we aren't pressing charges and are only removing her from your club." You sigh. Your brothers can be very overprotective at times, but you know that it's because they love you. You are about to stand up when you are lifted into someone's arms. Recognizing the chilliness of his body, you relax into Grey's arms and allow him to carry you.

"Consider this a warning," Ciel says as he and Grey, with you in his arms, turn to leave.

"Never mess the (L/n) triplets."

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