Sal x Singer! Reader

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Y/N walked into Sal's apartment and shut the door behind her quietly. She often came in his apartment unannounced, as Sal. Never minded. She sat down on the couch next to Gizmo who was asleep.

"Love of mine. Someday you will die, but I'll be close behind. I'll follow you into the dark."

Sal's voice drifted down the hall. He was singing with the sound of a guitar strumming in the background.

"If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied and illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs. If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks-"

"Then I'll follow you into the dark." Y/N leaned against the doorframe to Sal's room as he squealed. He dropped the guitar and glared at her. She laughed and began tuning the ukulele she had brought. "Who were ya singing about, Sally Face?"

Sal stayed quiet. Y/N started to strum the ukulele.

"Catholic school. As viscous as Roman rule. I've got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black. As I held my tounge she told me Son, fear is the heart of love, so I never went back." She sang.

"Huh." Sal watched Gizmo walk over and stand next to Y/N. Without reason, he attacked her leg. Y/N squeaked and shook the now fleeing cat off of her leg. Sal watched her as she went to chase the cat until she couldn't find him.

"Fear is the heart of love, huh?" Sal laughed.

Y/N raised her hand as if she were going to smack him. He cowered in fear.

"I love you too, Sal."

A/N: Where the hell did you all come from? Also, the song is by Death Cab for Cutie. Also, also, Viva la Oscar, FU C K

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