_Hot chocolate_

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Sal awoke, head throbbing. He got out of bed, took his pills, put his attire and mask on, and went into the den of his apartment. He then realized how ungodly early it was.

"Shit. It's five in the morning." Sal cursed at himself for not taking his pills according to schedule, but walked into the halls of the apartment complex anyway. Without thought, he pressed the button to the first floor where Y/N lived.

Sal knocked and waited. Again, he remembered how early it was. "Hello? Who is it?" Y/N's soft voice drifted from inside.

"Uh.. It's Sal." He stuttered. "Oh, hey, Sal. Come in." Her voice became a lot more kind.

"Want anything to eat?" Y/N asked, walking into the kitchen. Sal stared at her. After a few months of living in the apartments, he had grown used to seeing Y/N without her pants or shorts on. But Sal was still uncomfortable with seeing her panties.

(Author Chan edit uwu: Look, Sal can't man up because he's a pussy. haha get it. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT.)


Sal snapped back to reality. "Yes?"

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Y/N repeated. "Do you have hot chocolate?" Sal chose. Y/N quickly whipped up two mugs of hot chocolate. "Thank you." Sal lifted his mask enough to take a sip of hot chocolate. "Ow!" Sal yelped and slid his hand up his mask to cover his mouth.

Y/N laughed. "Are you okay?" Sal felt tears prick his eye. "I'm fine." Sal smiled from under his mask.

"Do you want me to check?" Y/N yawned.

"Did I wake you up when I knocked?" He avoided the question. Again, his mask felt hot. "No." "Did I wake your mom/dad?"

Y/N flinched, but still answered. "No. s/he is at work."

"I don't think I've ever met them." Sal sipped his hot chocolate again, but with more caution.

Y/N was silent. Sal finally got the hint and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry."

"S/he's always at work. Never comes home and ignores my calls and texts. "

Sal watched as her eyes went dull and glazed over with sadness. "But on the rare occasion that they do come home, s/he hits and kicks me until I run out of the apartments. I go to my happy place. "

Sal tilted his head. Y/N grabbed his hand.

Sal pov

As Y/N grabbed my hand I noticed a drawing of cuts dancing underneath her longsleeves. I said nothing. She grabbed fifty cents and took me with her into town. The sun was rising over the horizon. The streetlights looked like stars still dotted across the gray and pink sky. Clouds that were heavy with rainwater hung above, whispering soft promises of rain.

The chilled air wrapped it's arms around around me comfortably. As we passed the bakery, scents of pastries slipped under my mask and planted eskimo kisses on my face. A metal barrel's flame licked it's way up the inside the prison it was kept in. It was beautiful.

It started to drizzle and wrap blankets of droplets around us. It felt like I was swept away and cradled in the arms of a rainy heaven.

Y/N lead us to a dimly lit bus stop. Her glittery E/C eyes dug into mine. I watched as her face went a deep crimson.

Am I really going to do this?

I inhaled. The rain only grew worse. The smell lulled my mind into a sticky slime. Without thought, I lifted my mask, I leaned into Y/N and kissed her.

Her lips were softer than I thought. She pulled away out of surprise. (I had to change the cat fur thing because you guys can't fucking behave.)

"I-I'm sorry."

"No. It's fine.

//Sally Face x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now