Questions + Some Answers

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Hey everyone! Author-Chan here. I just wanted to clarify a few things about this fanfic and I just might start a Q&A if I get enough questions about this fanfic or about me in general.

No, I will not be adding more to this book. This book is literally getting close to its 4th birthday and it physically pains me to read back on it.
I still enjoy seeing Sally Face content, but I haven't actively watching videos about it or playing the game, so I kind of lack inspiration in that department.

I may or may not be considering fixing a couple chapters here and there. I AM considering deleting the christmas lemon because it was obvious that I was uncomfortable writing it and how rushed it was. If you weren't aware, yes I am a lesbian/trixic if this questioning gender thing goes too far (demigirl name is Robin :bites lip:)
At one point I even considered deleting the entire book, but the realization that people are probably reading this actively settled in and i decided against it.

No, I will not be doing requests. I apologize for this if you had any ideas :(

I hope you all are happy and healthy, and if not, I promise it'll all get better soon. My instagram is @sprootr, and you're welcome to dm me there if you need someone to talk to.

I will be answering questions in the comments if you have any, and if I get a lot of the same ones I'll make a FAQ, but considering this book has so few reads I doubt it will happen.

//Sally Face x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now