Chapter 19

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I'm pretty sure that I was going to make this longer but then it kinda became Tuesday and I was like 'whelp' so I just ended. Even so, I think it ended okay :P 

Tell me what you think in the comments below and remember to vote!


*Sebastian POV*

The door opened briefly and a younger Latina werewolf poked her head in. “Alpha needs to see you.” She said before disappearing, leaving no room for argument. 

Xena looked at both of us, a slightly guilty expression on her face. “Oh yeah. Alpha wanted to see you immediately like ten minutes ago. It seemed pretty important.”

“Well you could have told us that!” I vented, slightly afraid of what the Alpha would do since we were late. I turned to Taryn. She was in no shape to be walking anytime soon, so I scooped her small frame up in my arms. Normally it would have been easy, but for some reason, it felt like she had gained an extra two hundred pounds since I last picked her up. 

I chalked it up to exhaustion from getting minimal sleep the last few days and began to carry her out the door ignoring her half-hearted protests. She knew that she couldn’t walk on her own with her wound. Well, she could walk but not at any reasonable speed. 

It didn’t take long to reach the Alpha’s office, even with me being weaker than normal, and before we entered, I set Taryn’s feet on the ground so she could walk in on her own and knocked on the door. A muffled ‘come in’ sounded through the wood and I pulled it open, letting Taryn go in before me. 

As soon as I walked in and closed the door behind me, Alpha Jay, who had been standing and staring out of the window, turned and looked at us. For a moment, he had on the first genuine scowl of annoyance I had seen since I had arrived at the Silver Heart pack. Then his face completely morphed into a grin with a touch of concern. “Taryn girl, take a seat! You shouldn’t walk so much with your wound.” He said, gesturing to a seat while I was wondering whether I had seen that expression on his face at all. When Taryn opened her mouth to protest, he made a shooing motion until she sank down in the seat.

After he had sat me down in a seat as well, coming over and physically pushing me down in the one next to Taryn, he turned away from us, almost as if not wanting to see our faces. He busied himself for a minute or two by straightening papers on his desk while my mate and I sat in agony with every passing second.

When Alpha Jay made to go visit another part of his office, I cleared my throat and leaned forwards a bit. “Uh, not to be rude or anything, but Kimmy said you needed to talk to us about something important. Xena too. What is it?”

The Alpha didn’t respond for a moment before he sighed and turned to face us again. “I’m not sure how to say this to you. Both of you.” He admitted and although he was talking to both of us, he was staring straight at me, crystal blue meeting turquoise. 

He was quiet for a long time again after that, but eventually he spoke just before I was about to ask him what it was. “I found what we were looking for.” His gaze shifted to Taryn. “It turns out, there have been human mates to werewolves before. They are incredibly rare, but it does happen,” Alpha Jay’s hand gestured limply to the two of us, “as you have found out. But there are…complications.”

If I had been a wolf at that moment, my ears would have shot up at what he was saying. “You found it? When?”

He looked back at me. “It was a few days ago that I first discovered the passage.”

I stood up, my hands curling into fists. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I all but shouted.

“Sebastian, sit down.” Alpha Jay said in the sharpest tone I had heard from him. It was like I wilted, I sat down so quickly. He sighed and his voice returned to normal. “I tried to tell you. Many times before. But you were always too busy or something was happening with Taryn that I was unable to.”

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