Chapter 8

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Updatttttteeee!!!! Yayyyy! I actually started the chapter this morning, so I'm really happy that I actually finished it. Thank you for those wonderful comments last chapter! I got so inspired that the words kinda just started flowing! 

Really I want to dedicate this chapter to everyone that had supported me and inspired me through this story. If someone posts a really insightful comment or messages me that I get so emotional over it, I might dedicate it to that person specifically :)

Sorry this update is a little late, by the way. But actually, it was surprisingly sooner than I thought it would be...I've been working on a different book lately because I suddenly got out of the Writer's Block I've been in on the story for literally forever. 

Anyway, please continue to vote and comment and read, because I love you all and if you guys love the story, then I'll want to continue.

Until next update!

P.S. Since the font I use on my Pages doesn't let me italicise, please let me know if there's an error in the thoughts/mental communication. 


*Taryn POV*

It was so strange, actually walking into school with someone. Even weirder was the fact that I was walking into school with pretty much a complete stranger that somehow made me feel like I was actually worth something. 

We hardly got past the parking lot before being confronted. 

“I thought you had gotten the hint that you shouldn’t be with her.” Lexy and her boyfriend practically materialized at the front of the group. “She’s only going to bring you down, Sebastian. Nothing good can come from her.”

Ouch. I couldn’t deny that that one didn’t hurt. 

But, I just did what I always did and fixed my gaze on the ground, absorbing it in. 

“She’s useless. Weak. Pathetic. You’re from a completely different world than her.” Each word felt like a slap to the face. They weren’t even directed at me, but it was like a someone was backhanding me with a double-edged knife. “A better world. You deserve so much better. And you can have a lot better if you just get away now.”

It was almost like mid-sentence, Lexy had stopped speaking to Sebastian and had turned her attention to me, addressing the glass girl before her now. She knew that with the right amount of words, the glass would shatter. 

“Look at her! She isn’t even doing anything to fight back! It’s just proof that she’s an empty shell-”

“Stop.” Sebastian pushed me behind him and stood right in front of Lexy, his chest nearly pushing up against her. “Get away from her.”

No one said anything for a few seconds. I risked a glance up to find Lexy’s tan eyes staring right at me. As soon as my gaze locked with hers, a smile spread across her face and she looked back at Sebastian.

“Of course, Sebastian. I was just joking around.” The gorgeous girl turned to her boyfriend and looped her arm around his. “Come on, Will. We’d best be getting to class.”

Will nodded and followed her, not speaking a word. A few steps away though, he turned his head, looking back at Sebastian and I. 

When his gaze met mine, I stared back dumbly. I had never heard him talk before, much less to me, and he had never spared me a second glance, if he even spared me a first one. 

He only held my gaze for a second or two before shifting it to Sebastian. It was as if some unheard conversation went on between the two, because after a moment, Will nodded, almost as if in approval. My gaze whipped to Sebastian’s face to see him smiling just a little. 

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