Chapter 16

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Almost forgot to upload today...whoops :P My biological calender is all messed up for some reason. I dunno. But anyway, here it is! (My birthday is next week, holla! I'm turning sixteen, woot woot). Kind of short, I know (the next one is pretty short too), but the ending of the chapter felt right, so I stopped the chapter.

By the way, so when I'm going through my story or something to find a reference, I sometimes (more often than not actually) notice typos. If you guys see anything, be sure to let me know so I can correct them!


*Taryn POV*

If anyone had told me that I was going to be sitting around a table surrounded by werewolves and eating a chocolate chip cookie as if it was the most normal situation in the world, I would have called the nearest crazy asylum and locked them in solitary confinement. And yet, here I was with a group of them, some of them people that I had met before, like Sasha, and others that I knew from school but never talked to. 

“So, uh, basically everyone at school is a…” 

“Werewolf.” one of the boys, Jacob, confirmed, finishing my question for me. At first, I hadn’t believed him when he had said his name was Jacob, considering he also bore an uncanny resemblance to Taylor Lautner except he actually had his shirt on. However, it only took a moment to become clear that everyone else in the pack house knew of the reference too because someone happened to walk by and yelled, “How’s it goin’ Jacob Black?” 

Then, what made it even funnier was that Jacob was really shy and self-conscious so every time someone said something like that (which was pretty much every five minutes), he lowered his head while his darker skin turned a faint red color on his face. I had seen him around school in various places, usually in a corner with his small group of friends or reading.

“There are a handful of humans though.” Another werewolf, Aurora, said. Her delicately curled blonde hair shimmered with every turn she made and her honey gold eyes were something to die for. I remembered seeing her in the hallways at school, although she didn’t have any classes with me. “Probably about three or four per grade. For our grade, it’s only you, Riley, and Drew.”

The door to the kitchen opened and Sebastian walked in, freshly dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a plain green shirt. He was talking with a man who entered just behind him. It only took a moment for things to fall apart.

The strange man took a brief look around the room, taking note of all who was around, before his eyes fell on me. As soon as his light, nearly white, blue eyes met mine, I was assaulted with memories of the wolf that had attacked me. I screamed, jerking back so hard that I fell straight off the chair. The only thing that kept me from colliding with the ground was Jacob’s quick reflexes as he grabbed me, making my bad shoulder shriek in pain. As soon as I was set safely on my feet I pushed myself out of his arms and turned only to find myself trapped in Sebastian’s. 

“Shh, Taryn, it’s okay, I’m right here. No one’s going to hurt you.” He said soothingly. It took me a few minutes to calm down and when I did, Sebastian turned me around, keeping his hand on my shoulder. 

The man with the light eyes was standing just a few feet away. “I-I’m sorry.” I stammered, doing my best not to flinch away from his gaze. However, even as I looked at them, I noticed that they weren’t nearly as intense or deep as Sebastian’s father’s had been. “I-you-”

“Don’t worry.” He assured. “I completely understand. I apologize for alarming you. Although I suppose I’m far from an angel myself.” He dipped his head as his eyes twinkled mischievously. “My name is Uriel. You must be Taryn.”

He held out his hand and I took it hesitantly as everyone else in the room looked relieved that I was okay.

“You certainly know how to introduce yourself to a lady, brother.” Michael boomed from the other side of the counter. 

I did a double take. “Wait, you two are brothers? But…how?” 

Both of them started laughing. “Both of us were adopted by the same family at birth until we all flew out of the nest together. We have two other brothers.” Uriel explained. “They’re called Gabriel and Raphael.”

“Gabriel? Principal Gabriel?” I asked in disbelief. 

“The one and only!” A familiar voice said before the door swung open once more to reveal my golden-brown haired principal. “Family reunion, anyone?” His eyes had the same mischievous glow as the other two, and I assumed that Raphael would have it as well. 

What in the world is happening in my life? I thought, bewildered. Already I had found out that my boyfriend was a werewolf, then that most of my classmates were werewolves, and now my principal was a werewolf too?

“Taryn-girl, good to see you again! How you doing?” He asked, giving me one of his famous grins. 

It took me a moment to answer him, shaking myself out of the shock. “Uh, hi Principal Garbiel, I’m doing fine I guess…”

He waved his hand. “Ah, no need to call me principal anymore. You’re practically part of the pack already, being mates with Sebastian and all.”


“Anyway, back on subject. Alpha! Michael! There’s some trouble on the border. Just a rogue, no big deal, but it would probably be best if you two handled the situation instead.” Gabriel said, tossing his head probably in the direction that the rogue was located. 

Immediately, Alpha Jay and Michael responded. “Understood.” The Alpha said. “Gabriel, lead the way. Taryn, everyone, I’m sorry to leave you so suddenly.” He added before darting out of the door with Michael, Gabriel in the lead. It was only a moment before they were out of sight. 

It was silent in the kitchen for a few minutes after, no one really knowing what to say, so I broke the silence first. “Jacob, I didn’t tell you. Thank you for catching me when I fell off the chair.” I said, looking at the black haired boy. 

His skin turned slightly red but he mumbled a “you’re welcome” at me before I looked back to Uriel. “And I’m sorry again. Your eyes just reminded me…”

Sebastian cleared his throat. “There’s no need to talk about that.” He glanced over at the clock before adding, “You should get some rest. You’ve had a long day.” 

Before I could protest and say I wasn’t tired, Sebastian had me in his arms bridle style, easily supporting my weight and making sure that he wasn’t hurting my injuries. The werewolves sitting around the table all waved and told us goodnight as Sebastian began carrying me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. 

Despite the fact that a few minutes ago, I hadn’t been tired, I found myself dozing in Sebastian’s arms until we arrived at his room and he carried me inside, laying me under the plain white covers of the bed. “Get some rest.” He said, brushing his lips against mine. He pulled away and made to get as comfortable as he could on the chair.

It took a few moments for me to shake my exhaustion away just long enough to mumble, “Can you…will you stay with me?” 

Sebastian looked at me with those wolf eyes of his. “Of course. I’ll be right here the whole night.”

I shook my head, fighting my need for sleep. “No. Stay with me.”

Realization dawned on Sebastian’s face, but he didn’t respond at first. I thought he was going to refuse until I saw him stand up from his chair and walk to the other side of the bed, out of view from me. Briefly the blankets lifted just long enough for his weight to settle on the bed beside me. Ever so gently, his arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer. Instinctively, I melted into the warmth of his body. 

“I’ll always stay with you, Taryn.” He whispered in my ear just before I fell into darkness.

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