Chapter 10

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I am so so so sorry for the late update. I have just been so uninspired and so stressed and busy lately that I just couldn't write. Then this morning at like one, right when I was about to go to sleep, I was like 'Hmm. I feel like writing." It took me literally all day to write this chapter, but honestly it was one of the most fun to write. I especially liked the ending of it :P

Anyway, as stated before, I am incredibly sorry, but I hope this long chapter will make up for it! Please continue to comment and vote, because it makes me so happy every time I see someone has commented or someone has voted. Thank you all so much! (I'm also at nearly 6000 reads! You guys are amazing!)

Awesome song to the right! ---> (Or if you're on mobile...well, can't help you because it may or may not load :P)


*Taryn POV*

Almost before I knew it, two and a half weeks had gone by in a flash. 

Sebastian had insisted on driving me to school and back home everyday, despite my protests and declines. It had only taken a few days for me to figure out that no matter how much I refused and triedwalking, he would only continue to pester me until I relented. One day I had been particularly testy and had refused every one of his offers, only to have him drive next to me at a snail’s pace in that damn lime green Porsche of his the whole way until we reached the school. After that, I just got in the car when he arrived at my house to pick me up in the morning, to the point where I was expecting him. 

In all honesty, the easy way he had slipped into being my friend made me slightly nervous. Especially with the fact that Lexy hadn’t bothered to mess with me once since I had seen her in the hallway that day. It was as if sometime in those days that he drove me to school and sat in my classes, I forgot when I stopped calling him a stranger or just another boy in class.

No, I take that back. He had never been just another boy in class. 

This was someone who had paid attention to me. Given me someone to actually talk to. He cracked funny jokes and even though I never smiled at them, much less laughed, he knew that I liked them from the way my body relaxed just a little more. Of course, I didn’t believe that reasoning, but he wouldn’t give me any other and just said that it was a secret. He sat with me at lunch and talked to me about completely pointless things that neither of us would remember given a few days. He did enough smiling around me for the both of us, and didn’t mind that I didn’t. He made me feel like someone that was actually worth being around.

Which is why, by the time my mom came home Friday afternoon, nearly three weeks after leaving (her business trip had to be extended a week for complications and my dad was still gone on his), I was finding myself admitting falling for the heartbreakingly beautiful boy.

A fall which I did not have wings to lift me up from.

All of my instincts screamed at me not to get close to him, that he would just end up like being all of my other ‘friends’. 

That he would end up being like Lexy. 

And yet, I couldn’t pull away from him. From the moment he came into my life with those damn captivating eyes that I just couldn’t seem to get enough of, I was ensnared in a hopeless web.

No use denying it anymore.

I am in love with Sebastian Knight. 


“Hey Mom.” I said as my mother walked in through the door, embracing her in a hug. “Glad to see you made it back okay. How was the trip?”

“Completely and utterly exhausting.” My mom admitted, dropping her single suitcase on the floor and returning the embrace. “But I would much rather hear about you! I’m so sorry that I had to leave you all alone here with hardly any notice. I tried so hard to get out of it or leave early, but they just wouldn’t let me.” She let go of me long enough to set her suitcase next to the stairs before whisking me away to the living room where we were both seated on the couch before I could blink.

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