Chapter 17

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I'm way too tired to actually write something important just continue to comment and vote if you like the story!


*Taryn POV*

The first thing I thought about when I woke up was how much better I felt.

The second thing was how my boyfriend, who currently still had his arm wrapped around my waist, was a werewolf. 

Sebastian’s warm breath caressed my neck, tickling my short brown hair. Xena had cut it again since the first time, after it had been starting to get a little too long for liking. 

Part of me was dying to shut my eyes again and curl closer to Sebastian, but the corner of a thin off-white box shape caught my attention on his desk. Normally that wouldn’t have interested me, but what was weird about it was the fact that it had been shoved haphazardly onto the edge of the desk along with art materials that were scattered everywhere. 

Edging out of Sebastian’s  arm, I slipped out from the blanket and limped my way on shaky legs, still weak from the amount of time I spent not moving, and over to the desk. Once I was close enough, I sat down on the chair to give my leg a rest since it was already starting to hurt. 

Once I sorted through the art supplies, which were various paints and brushes, to get to the box underneath (which I had determined to be a canvas), my eyes widened and I gasped. Almost instantly, a hand rested on my shoulder and I whirled around in the chair to see Sebastian standing in front of me. 

“O-Oh, Sebastian. I didn’t hear you get up.” I stammered, trying my best not to look guilty even though I was and horribly failing at it. It felt like my heart had shattered. Again.

The black haired boy looked pained as his eyes slid from my broken expression to the painting on the desk. “I’m sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have-I was going to give it-I thought, maybe, you would like it.”

My arms were wrapping around him before I even knew they were myself, fresh tears coursing their way down my cheeks. “No, no. I love it. This is the best thing anyone could have ever given me. I thought he was lost forever.”

Sebastian seemed surprised at first by my unexpected hug, but within moments, his hands were pressing me even closer to him. When we finally broke apart after several minutes, I turned back to the painting.

“How did you even paint this? I’ve never told anyone about…about him.” I hesitated over the words even now. Even though it had been nearly ten years. 

Sebastian couldn’t seem to bring himself to answer, so instead he leaned past me, sorting through the items until he pulled out a small square of paper. It had been taped together in the back but it was still obvious that it had been torn into four pieces. Faint pencil, indecipherable after years of being carried around, was written onto the back. 

My eyes glued onto the front of it. My picture. It was my picture that Lexy had torn up and tossed into the water. Most of the colors had smudged together and blurred, but still the painting was a perfect replica of what the picture had been.


“I found it in the hallway the day I found you. I had forgotten to give it to you.” He said.

I sat in silence, just staring at it, until Sebastian added softly, “Can you tell me about him?”

My lips refused to open, to move, to utter anything, so he pried the painting out of my hands and drew me over to the bed, gathering me in his arms as we sat down. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but it was long enough that my body stopped shaking every time I took a breath. My voice, however, did not.

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