Chapter 7

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Early update because I'm going to Megacon tomorrow!

Don't forget to comment and vote!

Love the uniqueness of the cover made my Madness27 on the side!


*Sebastian POV*

Twenty minutes later, Sasha and I were sitting at the table each with a plate of half-eaten chicken breasts in front of us. It had taken the better part of fifteen minutes of gentle bickering in deciding what we would have to eat, the options ranging from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to macaroni to lobster and then finally to the chicken. The last five minutes were spent with both of us silently eating while I tried to figure out how to start. 

Eventually, I braced myself for the start.

“My father.” I blurted out before I could stop myself. “He’s the Alpha of the Triple Star pack. Well, he is now. When he met my mom he wasn’t.”

“The Triple Stars? That’s the most powerful pack in America! Why would you want to leave it if your father was the Alpha?” Sasha interrupted. 

I ignored her question and continued as if I hadn’t heard her.

“He was on a trip in England visiting some friends of his when he met her. Although not mates, they hit it off when they first laid eyes on each other. In the two weeks he was in England, they spent all their time together, did some stuff, as you can imagine. When he left, they both didn’t think anything of it, although they did promise to keep in touch. Nine months later, there I was.

“In those nine months, my father had become an Alpha and couldn’t leave America to go back to England. Likewise my mom had found her mate and couldn’t leave England. As a result, I was raised in my mother’s pack, the Rising Souls. 

“I spent my whole life there, until I decided that I wanted to come to America to meet my father. My mom was upset at first, but she eventually agreed, so I came here to my father’s pack. 

“Some…things happened while I was there. I had been in the pack for two years, but eventually it became too much and I asked to leave. I couldn’t go back to England, I was too ashamed of what had happened, so I asked to be moved to another pack. And now, here I am.”

It wasn’t the whole story. 

It wasn’t even close.

I don’t think I would ever be ready to tell anyone the entire story.

“Well…I won’t know what happened unless you tell me, but I can understand. Whatever happened must have been hard for you.” The dark haired Beta said, reaching across the table and laying her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. “If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. I’m always here.”

I suddenly remembered something about Sasha. 

I had been at the Silver Heart pack for nearly three weeks, settling in with the others, and during those weeks, the full moon had occurred. It was when all werewolves changed and ran with their packs. 

Yet I hadn’t seen Sasha on the night of the full moon.

“Sasha…” I began cautiously. “Why are you always here? In the pack house? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you leave. And I didn’t see you during the full moon. I’ve never heard of you going out on the pack hunts…” I trailed off, leaving her to fill in the blanks for herself.

She sighed and set down the fork she had just used to impale her chicken. “That’s a story for another time. I’d rather not bring up those memories at the moment.”

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