Our Loves An Asylum

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Patient name : Zayn Javaad Malik

Age : 23

sex : Male

Hometown : Bradford, England, United Kingdom

DOB : January 12, 1993

Siblings: Foster brother Louis Tomlinson

Spouse: none

Children: none

Relationship skills: can talk to people normally

Height: 5'9

Weight: 154

Race: English, British Pakistani [?]

Eye colour: honey brown

Hair colour: dark brown close to black

Bad Habits: biting lip and nails

Hobbies: killing innocent people

How does character see himself?: Good looking

Strength: Looking at victims face after killed.

Weakness: Niall

How does the character deal with anger?: Locks himself in room

What frightens the character?: Losing Niall

What makes the character happy?: Niall Horan

Does charcter have a Mental Illness: Yes

Reason Admitted: Patient has Schizophernia


The SEQUEL :D !! AHA Now you know what Zayn has and why he was always talking to that other guy.

Check out : Skittles {Ziall Au} by Calumhugsme xx

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