Chapter 6: Tied and Tucked

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When Drake awoke, it was in stages.

At the first, he wasn't even sure why he shouldn't continue to sleep. He felt drowsy, worn out, and tired beyond belief, but somehow, he was content.

The next stage was confusion. Why was he worn out? Why was he warm and comfortable? Before he could fall back asleep, his mind was already whirring away at these questions. These simple things didn't seem too important, but he was confused enough that he started to sit up.

And that was what prompted the final stage: panic. When he tried to sit up, he quickly discovered that his arms and legs were bound. He yelped in surprise, only to find that something was stuffed inside his mouth, most likely a gag. His mind went into overdrive, immediately jumping to the worst possible conclusions. Capture? Danger? Prey! Trapped! STUCK! MOVE!

He started thrashing, only to get tangled up even worse in a blanket and fall to the floor. He stayed there, breathing hard and looking like a terrified Drake burrito.

Then a single thought pierced through his panic and confusion. Why was I in a bed?

He had been bound and a bed. All tucked in, by the looks of it. This only added to his confusion. It was sending him mixed messages, at best. And he felt....comfortable, albeit a bit sore. His right shoulder was bandaged, his tail had a nick in it that he could feel, his stomach was full, and his jaw ached.

And that's when everything that had happened crashed down on him.

He kicked himself out of the blanket as best he could, which was awkward and slow with his feet bound. He shook, feeling sick. He'd...he'd gorged himself on human flesh. Like an animal. He'd done it without thinking, without feeling. He'd stolen lives that weren't his, and swallowed them whole.

He suddenly felt the urge to throw up. Stick a finger down his throat and purge himself until there was no human limbs, muscle, bone, or anything in his stomach at all. He wished to feel hunger again, so that he would not feel this way, have this guilt on his shoulders. He wanted it all gone.

His bindings and gag were keeping him from actually doing that, thankfully. He didn't want to go down that route. But nothing hindered the nausea rising up in his throat, and the terrible, horrible feelings that he had.

While he was sitting there, feeling sorry for himself, he heard footsteps coming. Adrenaline slapped him in the face, and he quickly tried to figure out what to do. Flee? Feign sleep again? Hiss and snarl and tell them to stay back, because he was too dangerous?

Oh god, are they going to kill me?

While he was stuck in that terrifying idea (that didn't make much sense), the two entered the room. Grayson went in first, then Mia behind him. Well, Mia would have come in behind him if Grayson hadn't stopped in his tracks. The two stared at each other, purple and blue meeting stark green.

The silence dragged on. One, two...

And then Grayson's hand touched the handle of his sword.

That action alone was enough to spark chaos. There was yelling, shuffling, and general confusion, before Drake ended up hiding under the bed like a scared kit.

"DRAKE!" Grayson knelt down, utterly confused and trembling with energy from the scare. He looked under the bed. "Drake, what the fu-"

He was met by a rather rude hiss. The hybrid yelled something into the gag, but it was near impossible to tell what it was exactly. By the tone, something threatening.

How Drake had even moved that fast with his limbs bound was beyond the two blonds. He was, definitely more powerful than first expected.

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