Chapter 1

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One month later

Kaneki worked at a bookstore in Gotham. The ghoul learned about this world realizing that there are hero's and villains constant battles. Then Kaneki boss walks up to him giving him the keys "okay Kaneki time to close up see you next week." He watched the man walk out then Kaneki face went from a smile to nothing looking at the keys sighing.

Locking down the store he heads to a apartment where he got for himself. A neighbor saw the teen smiling "hey Kaneki how was your day at work?" The ghoul looked at the girl flashing a smile unlocking his door "it was good thanks for asking Samantha-San." He walked in closing the door behind him clenching his fists feeling his hunger act up.

Looking around going to the fridge nothing he sighed in frustration. He can't go out and eat someone not after getting the Batman's attention. Heading for the coffee pot he pores some and takes a sip then sits watching tv. This dimension is weird but at least there's no cgi but there's no Touka.

The news shows a green hair guy on a rampage and Batman trying to stop him. The white haired teen watched the battle unfold on the screen getting bored heads to the restroom. Then he turned the water on sitting letting the water hit him remembering his torture that Jason brought on him his fingers getting cut off. Him accepting he was a ghoul telling rize that made him question does he have to be.

Getting out the shower to his room looking in his closet then he heard laughing manic psychopath laughing flashing a memory of Jason. The ghoul teen grabbed black jeans with a black shirt hoodie then but on some combat boots. Walking to the room to see joker and the dark knight still going at it then saw joker had goons with guns killing innocents. Kaneki sat watching it unfold on tv thinking about should he interfere or not. Then the human side of him told him go help your not a monster help Batman. Eat the joker.

Kaneki went straight for his closet pulling out his mask putting it in his back pocket running out the apartment. He jumps off roof tops till he heard gun shots looking counting ten men armed then saw joker with Batman still fighting. Then he heard a sonic boom from the sky seeing a flash of blue and red taking out some guys revealing it to be the man of steel. The ghoul saw that he had help about to go back to his apartment till a robot thing with a green rock in his chest flew at Superman beating him.

The ghoul sighs to himself pulling out his mask and putting it on then jumped off the roof activating his kagune. "Any last words Superman?" The hero looked at metallo only to see red tentacles throw him into a building. Kaneki looked at the hero then back at the robot. "Who the hell do you think you are?" The white haired teen looked at the robot then lifted his fingers cracking them staying silent.

Superman gets up to see the teen with tentacles coming out his back. Using his X-ray vision saw a weird organ in the teen body taking note. "Thanks who are you?" The ghoul didn't say anything but ignored Superman ready to attack metallo using his kagune piercing the metal in his chest then realized the green rock.

Taking it out his chest then threw the rock a block away then grabbed the machine by its throat showing his ghoul eye. Kaneki looked at him in the eyes "maybe I kill you." The villains eyes widen till Superman went up to him "he's done for put him down." They faced off for a bit but he dropped metallo then saw people getting killed running towards the gun fire.

Joker was fighting Batman till he heard his goons screaming in pain to only see a white haired teen taking them out. Kaneki stabbing them all over and over again till he saw joker having Batman on the ground "any last words bats." Till Kaneki kagune wraps around Batman pulling him to safety then the ghoul took a bullet to the face. "Take a seat emo hope you like the bullet hahahahaha!" Batman looked to see the teen on the ground then got up without a scratch walking towards joker.

Bang bang bang

"Why aren't you dying!?" Kaneki then reaches for the gun throwing it aside then the joker saw his eye pulling him close face to face. Then his tentacle stabbed joker in the leg causing the clown to scream. "That's enough." Kaneki turns to see Superman and Batman looking at him. The ghoul threw the clown aside the returned his kagune about to walk away. "I know you killed that guy in the alley way. Kaneki Ken."

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