-Chapter One- Caught and Sold

Start from the beginning

"I would rather die then kiss you, or any of your kind." She cried out. He let out a snarl as he stood grabbing her by her long red hair. Her eyes grew wide with panic as he tossed her into the back of the cage. He picked up the hellspawn of a dog and set it in with her.

"Keep your eyes on her." He snapped to the mutt. It barked it's reply as it sat down it's snake tail wagging in understanding. He slammed the only exit shut and locked the door. He took his seat on one of the flaming horses and snapped her fingers and soon the cage to her slavery began to move.

She banged her hands on the bars but knew she was already lost to the outside world. As the cage began to make its way towards the city her panic began to rise. She had never entered within the bustling town knowing if she did she would be found, taken, raped, or killed.

As she was paraded to the auction hall hundreds of creatures watched her with hungry eyes. Mortals on leashes gasped having heard of her existence.

Not many mortals were still alive, and even less were living in the shadows. Those that did still live were pets of the rich.

She let out a cry as she saw young children running beside her cage. "Mommy mommy it's the red haired human." They called as they ran beside her.

She seemed to be famous to the monster world. She sat back against the bars letting sobs escape her. She knew she was, she had been found by many creatures, yet every time she was able to escape. However this night she wasn't on her game.

She had gone more days then usual without eating. Her normal weight was usually 110 for a 5' 3 18 year old but at the current moment it was 80 and she was dwindling.

She finally let herself pass out, she had been going for far to long. When she woke she was tied down to a metal table, her body was cold, she looked down at herself, she realized she was in skimpy purple lingerie.

"No..." another sob escaped her lips. She wouldn't let herself go this way. She looked around to see a man walk in. "Let me go!" She cried.

"You may end up enjoying this more then you think." He began his grey eyes looking her over. "You're extremely underweight and you are beautiful, you could easily look much better with a master with money."

"You think I care about my looks? Are you insane?!" She cried. "Let me go!"

"You're healthy, looking fine, just underweight. So darling let's get you on your stand."

"Stand what stand?" She asked.

He chuckled his dark features seemingly growing lighter with his laughter. "The place you'll stand while you're being bought. Auctioned off."

"No, you p..things are insane!" She cried as she tried to stand. The chains pulled her back onto the table. He chuckled and wheeled her out onto a stage. She was unhooked from the table. She took her chance and went to run when his arms caught her around the waist as she attempted to jump.

"You're not going to go far." He said with a hiss, his snake like tongue licked under her chin as he placed a purple lace collar around her neck and attached it to a rolling stand in the middle of the stage. Her hands were chained to the stage by long distance chains.

She shuttered in fear as he laughed walking off the stage the table wheeling off on its own.

She let out a scream. Suddenly two hands were running through her hair. "Don't worry we just need to do it." Said a soft female voice.

"Please please let me out of here." Roselyn begged. Her eyes grew wide in fear as two green skinned women stepped out from behind her. "Oh..my...go-"

"Save it girl." The lighter of the two said as they went back behind her and braided her crimson red hair. Her hair was longer to the small of her back. It was well taken care of considering her circumstances. "All done." The women called. A man in a suit stepped out of the shadows.

He smiled. "Excellent call in the buyers." Soon the empty room was bustling with creatures of all species. The richest of the rich were seated staring at her. She was scared, fear was taking control of her. "Alright lets get this started. Now to explain the product."

The man with the suit grabbed her left arm and began to talk about her. "Red hair, blue eyes with gold flecks, the infamous Rose. Roselyn Williams age 18. 5' 3 and human. Little underweight but healthy and a Virgin for those that care. Her blood type is 0- and she has never had a boyfriend before. Also for those who want to know she is yes afraid."

A few whistled at the mention of her fear. She didn't know why that was important. She looked over the crowd as the number for her became larger and larger. Finally after four hours of raised prices her final price came out to


She couldn't believe her ears. That couldn't be what she was worth. She wasn't worth that much to anyone.

The buyer stepped forward.

The oldest son of the vampire royals. Draco De Mills. He smiled as he headed up to claim his winnings.

The other bidders began to make packs saying she would become theirs, other began to devise plans to take her.

Draco took her leash and took her out to his limousine. She fought back the entire time pulling back on the leash.

"Stop stop please let me go!" She cried as she pulled on her once again.

"No. You're staying with me now. You'll be safe this way." He said his blue eyes sparkling. He looked down at her. He was six foot and muscular while she was skinny and short. "Most mortals would be excited about being in a safe place." He ran a hand though his dark brown hair.

He snickered. "You'll stay safe with me. I swear it I will protect you."

She looked up in surprise. He smiled and his fangs glistened. He helped her into his car. "You'll learn the ropes. Rules come tomorrow tonight you'll sleep. Get some rest and food." He said with a smile. She sat down and then he took the leash off her collar.

"What...why did you take it off?"

"You'll only have to wear it in public." He said softly and pulled her into his arms. She let out a squeak. He chuckled. "Silly little mouse."


"You're short and cute. Mouse." He replied with another smile as he wrapped his arms around her. "Go on sleep."

"You won't bite me will you?"

"Not unless you ask me to." He replied. "Now sleep."

She nodded and let out a yawn. She fell asleep within minutes.

He smiled. She was his now, she would be his always and he would kill anyone who stood in the way of him having her even if that meant by the end of it the two of them would be the only ones left on the planet.

Her new life was about to start, and he was going to help her with all she needed. 

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