Chapter 6

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Joey, Chanda and I were just walking out of the gym when the rest of our group caught up with us.

"Hey Er-Bear and Richie boo." I said to them in greeting. They groaned at my childish nicknames for them.

"How many times have I told you I really hate that nickname?" Richie asked exasperatedly.

"How many times have I told you I don't care what you think of my nickname for you?" I mimic his tone. He was about to retaliate, when Eric interrupted him.

"Why are we the only ones with annoyingly childish nicknames?" Eric questioned.

"Your not. Chanda is Chandy Pandy, and Joey is Joe Toe." I comment, ignoring the dirty looks Joey and Chanda shoot at me. (A/N: Shout out, [SHOUT OUT!] to mah real life bestie! Her account name is @ChandyPandy. Check her story out!)

"How come you never call them that?" Eric asked.

"Well, first off, Joey has learned not to complain about it. It's no fun if it doesn't bother you. And two, Chanda threatened me. She said she'd take away my morning hot chocolate! I had to stop cuz of that!" I say, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Both Eric and Richie nod in understanding.

"But," I continued, "You won't do that, Richie, cuz you get riled up at the smallest little things, so you'll keep complaining, cuz that's who you are. Plus, I don't see you til after I've finished my hot chocolate."

He thought about that. "Well..... Yeah, OK, I know that's all true. But what's stopping Eric from stealing your hot cocoa or not complaining?" He asked, the thoughtful expression not leaving his face.

I give him my 'Uh, it's obvious' face.

"I have the dirt on him. He wouldn't dare steal my drink." I smugly state.

We all knew it was true. Eric was my closest friend. We told each other everything and anything, including some things that made for awesome blackmailing.

"And," I continued, "if he stopped complaining, I would still do it, cuz I know he will always secretly hate his nickname. Isn't that right, Er-Bear?"

Eric scrunched up his nose. "Is it really that obvious?"

I looked at Chanda, and we shouted in unison, "YES!!!"

Chanda commented, "Dude, you always crinkle your nose when you are annoyed or dislike something. Your doing it now! It is that obvious."

Eric kinda stutters at being read so easily. "Uh... Psh... That- that's not tr- yeah, OK. Its true."

I laughed along with everyone else.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Glad my total humiliation could be of service." Eric grumbled.

I gave him a teasing smile. "Aww, Er-Bear, You know you love me." I commented in a light and easy tone.

I thought something changed in his eyes for a second while I said that. It was gone before I could decipher it, so I chalked it up to my imagination.

"So Chanda," Joey broached a new topic, "are we doing something today for your birthday? Because if we are, I'll have to opt out. That history report for Mr. Garland is due in two days, and I haven't even started."

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed. I had totally forgotten about the report Mr. Garland had assigned all of his classes.

Quick explanation on our classes: Joey, Eric, Chanda and I all have homeroom together, which is Math with Ms. Green. Second, history with Mr. Garland, I have with just Eric, and third, literature with Mr. Baker I have with Chanda. Then there's Lunch in fourth period. And then, the whole group has Science together with Mr. Barnes for fifth period. In sixth period, I'm all alone for Chorus with Mrs. Lopez. The last class of the day is Gym with Joey and Chanda. We all have the same classes in different times, though. When we aren't together, we are at least learning the exact same stuff.

"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! I have to finish that, too!" Chanda groaned.

"But," her tone suddenly turned excited, "I'm throwing a party Wednesday night, since we have no school on Thursday and Friday. Everyone's gonna be there."

"OK." Joey said. "Can't wait. Well, I've gotta go." He leaned over to peck my mouth, and left, waving good bye to everyone.

"I'd better go too." Richard said, heading to the parking lot. "Gotta go meet up with Mattie." Mattie was Richie's cousin. They hang out all the time, and are super close.

I opened my mouth to ask something, but Chanda beat me to it.

"And before you ask Rebecca. Yes, you have to go."

This time I groaned. I hated all parties. They are too loud, too crowded, everyone's grinding up against each other, and it all smells horrid. I haven't the slightest how she can stand parties. But, she adores them. Claims they give her a 'rush', and it feels like she's 'on a high'.

"Please?" Chanda begged, giving me the puppy dog. "It's my birthday." She pouted, and I groaned again. I couldn't resist the pout puppy dog face.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed. Chanda squealed and jumped into my arms. "But," I interrupted her excitement, "only for a few minutes."

She thought about it, shrugged, and said, "As long as you drop off an awesome prezzie!"

"You sound like a gold digger." Eric commented.

She looked appalled. "I am not a gold digger!" She shouted. "I'm way to awesome to be classed in the same category as the Barbies."

'The Barbies' are what we call Bethany's group of friends. They all wear so much makeup, spend thousands on fake tans, and buy clothes that are super expensive but barely cover anything. They are all mostly full of themselves, and think everyone knows and adores them. No one really likes them, but all teachers like them for some reason, and most of the students want to be accepted by them. Obviously not me or my friends, but others definitely want them to accept them into their 'crowd'.

I held back my giggles and looked at her feigning seriousness. "Well, if the shoe fits......" I commented, teasingly.

Chanda rolled her eyes, knowing I was joking.

"Well, let's get a move on, Eric. We gotta work on this paper." I stated, picking up my things and getting ready to go.

You see, Eric and myself were partners in this paper. We were headed to Eric's house to work on the report, simply because he had more room.

"Kay. Leggo." He responded, saying his goodbyes to everyone.


A/N: New chappie for my epic cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I feel horrid for not uploading for so long. In my defense, I was a bit busy and had a mild case of writer's block. BUT, I uploaded now!!!!!!!!!! So please, PLEASE DON'T HATE MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! IM VERY, VERY, VERYVERYVERYVERY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, so a few days ago, I found out one of my FAVORITE authors on wattpad @JustMe52 reads my stories and was like, "REALLY?!?!?!?!?! YOUR JOKING, RIGHT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ASDHGDHKHDSJKFDJK I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" So yeah. That was a nice surprise. I'm dedicating this to her, cuz she is freaking awesome and she also helped me with a huge dilemma that I was facing in this story. So yeah. I know I said I'd dedicate to @ PINKbabe2899 because she actually read that huge paragraph I sent out a week ago, but I decided to just dedicate my next chappie in MCS to her. I hope you don't mind too much, babe. Ok. This chappie seems a tad fillerish in my opinion, but something HUGE is gonna happen in the next chapter. The plot will actually start to form a little. Mmkay, now I must actually post this. BUH-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER TO:



FAN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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