Chapter 2

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I swear, it's been 12:49 for at least three minutes.

I can't wait for lunch.

'That clock is mocking me.' I texted my best girl friend, Chanda.

Chanda is a short girl, 5 foot 3 inches, completely dwarfed by all the tall people in our group. She has dark brown eyes, darker brown eyes, and skin as pale as Edward from twilight. I swear, I would think she's a vampire if it wasn't for her rosy cheeks. She's one of those girls that's so pretty makes other girls feel insecure about their looks. Even me. And she doesn't even try. Its all really natural. But, she's not at all mean. She's super sweet, and isn't even in a relationship. Although, she can be a bit of a flirt.

She texted back, 'Well, if we count down from 60 and it doesn't change, we should ask the teacher if he's SURE his clock is working.'

But, before we could even start to count, the bell was ringing.

"Finally!" I said to Chanda as we walked out of the hell hole that was 3rd period.

"You're so impatient." She complained as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"But you love me anyways," I replied, cheekily. She glared at me, not amused.

"Boo." Someone whispered into my ear, their hot breath blowing on the nape of my neck. I turn quickly and see Richard, smiling at me.

"Richie-boo!" I exclaimed excitedly, hugging him tightly.

Richard, or Richie, is tall, 6 feet, with grey-green eyes, black hair, and dark skin. He is the newest addition to our little group of friends, having only been apart of Us for a year now. He was "the new kid" last school year. He sat next to me in the three periods before lunch, and I noticed how alone he looked at lunch, so I invited him over to sit with us. We all hit it off well. He was a good addition to Us.

"Hey, Becky-boo. I like to breath, so can you kindly loosen your hold on my neck. My life appreciates it. Thank you very much," he said in a totally posh voice. I laughed and let him go, linking my arms with him and Chanda.

"We're off to see the wizard!" I start in a sing-song voice.

"The wonderful wizard of Oz!" They continue the song in their own singing voices as we skip down the hall together.

"Hey! You guys are following the yellow brick road without us?" Joey and Eric run up behind us, huge smiles on their faces.

"Never, Er-Bear! We were looking for you, so we could all see the wizard together." I grinned innocently at two of my favorite people.

"Uh-huh. Cuz you totally haven't left us to find you guys in that huge, crowded cafeteria before." He responded sarcastically as Joey walked up to me and kissed my forehead.

I smiled at Joey, and looked up at him through my eyelashes, about to say something, when he interrupted me. "No, I will not tell you where we are going tonight."

"That wasn't what I was gonna ask."

"No, I will not carry you to the cafeteria."

"I wasn't going to ask that either."

"OK. I give. What is it?"

I gave him a pleading look. "Can we please go to your house later? I really need to talk to your sister about something really, really important."

He thought about it, but was interrupted by Chanda.

"You two are going out tonight?" I nodded, confused by what was wrong. She sounded annoyed. "No! You are not leaving me on my birthday! You promised we would celebrate together!"

Oops. I had forgotten. "It's Joey's fault!!!" I yelled out before racing down the corridor to the cafeteria.

I'm not a soccer star for no reason. I am the fastest girl on our neighborhood soccer team, and can easily outrun everyone in our little group... except Eric and Joey. They are the stars of the school's soccer team and football team, respectively. I can still outrun them (sometimes), but not as easily as I can outrun Chanda and Richie.

"Is not!" Joey shouted at me as I ran past him.

"Is too!" I shouted as I rounded a corner, and raced off to the cafeteria.

"Why don't we just go out tomorrow instead?" he shout/asks me.

"You've gotta catch me first!" I shouted back excitedly, then I promptly trip.

Smooth move, Becky.


A/N: Pic on the side is of Chanda!!!!!!

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