Chapter 1

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I used to think love was easy. You know, one plus one is two, you only have one true love, etc. etc. Stuff like that. Boy, was I wrong.

Real love is hard. It's blood, sweat, and tears. You have to work for real love. It's raw, and complicated. It's hardly ever an easy choice. It was the most complicated thing I've ever dealt with. But, if I could go back, I wouldn't change it for the world.

Hello. My name is Rebecca Smith, and this is the story of my love.



"UGH!" I groaned as my alarm woke me up on Monday morning.

If I had known what that day was going to bring, I probably would've gotten some more sleep. But, me being the idiot I was, I woke up.

##We're like Na Na Na

Then we're like yeah yeah yeah

Always like Na Na Na

Then we're like yeah yeah yeah

Though we can't make up our minds

cuz when we think we've got it right

We're like Na Na Na

Na Na Na##

My phone started blaring my favorite band, One Direction. I smiled, thinking of the person whose calling. Joey Mitchell, my boyfriend.

We've been dating for six months. He is so sweet. We were best friends for almost three years before we started going out. He is tall, 6 foot 1, with that classic California-surfer type blonde hair, tanned skin, and light blue eyes.

I pick up his call. "Hey, J. What's up?"

His voice came back through the phone, deep and sweet. "Just checking to see if you got your lazy bum out of bed yet."

"Naw, cuz I can pick up the phone and talk to you in my sleep." I said sarcastically.

"Well, if you can do that, then you can sleepwalk to school, can't you?" He shot back.

"Well, if that's all, can I hang up the phone now so I can get ready for several hours of my own personal hell?"

"Am I really that bad, babe?" He asked teasingly, mock hurt in his voice. "And to think I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight."

I smiled. "Sure. Where are we gonna go?"

"You know I'm not gonna tell you, so why bother asking?"

"Force of habit, I guess. Please, please, please, please, please tell me?"

I could here the grin in his voice when he said,"I'll see you at school. Bye, love."

"See ya, Joey."

He hang up. I kept smiled as I got ready for class.


Fifteen minutes later, I was in my favorite black, off the shoulder top and grey, ripped skinny jeans with my black heeled boots that had silver buckles on them. I applied the smallest line of eyeliner and put on my favorite shade of rosy pink lip gloss.

I looked in the mirror, satisfied that I at least looked descent. My emerald green eyes looked bright, and my wavy ebony black hair that falls to the middle of my back looked good, styled to perfection in a waterfall braid. My creamy white skin looked good with the black shirt to set it off. The heeled boots made me look taller than my 5 foot 7 inches.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard, and walked out to the coffee shop next door.

"Hi, Mara." I waved happily to the woman behind the counter.

"Hey, sweet pea. How did you sleep?" Mara asked as she handed me my ritualistic hot chocolate.

"Well, thanks for asking. Here's the $2.50 for today and yesterday." I handed her the money, which she refused.

"You'll need it to pay for your rent this month. Don't even try to deny it. I know for a fact your always short on money."

I hate it when she's right. I been living by myself since I legally emancipated myself from my abusive dad last year. Mom died five years before. Money was always short, so I really couldn't afford anything extra. If it wasn't for my job here after school, I would've been out on the streets by now.


"And you work here, so you get drinks for free." She intercepted me. "Now shoo, before your late."

I thanked her once more and ran out, drinking my hot chocolate on my way out.


"Eric!" I shouted as I rushed onto school campus and into my best friend's arms. He chuckled in my ear at my enthusiasm to see him.

Eric is an amazing friend. He isn't bad on the eyes, either. Tall, about 6 feet tall, with chocolate brown hair, cobalt blue eyes and olive skin. Eric has been my best friend since I was 12 and my mom died. We met at school on the playground. He noticed me sitting in a corner, crying, and comforted me. It was just after my mom died, and I was still not over it. He helped me a lot. We've been inseparable since then.

"Becky! So great to see you! Now, do you mind letting me breathe?" He commented teasingly at my strangle hold on his neck. I grinned widely as I loosened my arms, not completely letting go.

"Oi, Rebecca! What am I, chopped liver or your boyfriend?" Joey asked playfully, wrapping me in a hug from behind and kissing my neck.

I quickly let go of Eric, turned and beamed at Joey before pulling him down to my level so I could kiss him quickly.

"I didn't notice you, chopped liver! When did you get here?" I teased as we pulled away.

"Oh, ha ha," he said, sarcastically. "My little sister took an hour long shower, I swear. And I had to drop her off this morning. She is why I'm late."

I frowned. Nikki only ever wore a baggy sweatshirt and jeans, nothing but five minutes is all it usually took her to get ready. "Are you sure it wasn't you? If memory serves, Nicole never gets up in the morning before 7:30." I thought about it, with only one idea making sense at the moment.

She has a crush.

"What is it?" Joey asked, noticing the "look" in my eyes. Supposedly, I get this "look" whenever I get an idea. I think it's total BS, but our group agrees with him.

"Nothing, nothing. Just noticed we are going to be in so much trouble if we don't start heading to class." I fib quickly. He looks at me strangely for a second, before dropping the subject.

"Well, let's head off to class, then."

"I always knew we'd all end up going to hell together!" I said in an obviously bogus cheerful voice. The guys laughed as we headed to our joint homeroom class, making it literally seconds before the bell rang.

"So, what were you really thinking over there?" Eric whispered. "How'd you know?" I asked him, confused. "You? Thinking about class? Come on, at least come up with a believable lie next time."

I grinned at him, then pretended to lock my lips and throw away the key.

"Whatever. I'll get it out of you sooner or later," he said confidently.

"Definitely later." I whisper back.


A/N: This is my first story ever, so please tell me what you think!!!! Point out any spelling/grammar errors to me. And please:




Help out a new fellow Wattpadder! ;D

Song on the side is her ringtone!!!!! Pic on the side is a waterfall braid!!!!!!


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