Chapter 4

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I was almost to the library when I ran into Bethany.

"So close..." I muttered angrily under my breath. Sighing, I turned to her and asked, "What do you want, Bethany?"

"Oh, so now you decide to call me by my proper name?" She exhaled angrily, before making her tone hard. "What the hell kinda show was that in the hallway? Don't ever embarrass me in front of Eric again. Your ruining my relationship with him."

I snorted. "Which one? The non-existent one? Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it isn't affected in the least."

If looks could kill, I'd have been dead a million times over. The glare she was giving me could've wilted flowers, but I stood my ground, not wavering, not even flinching, not even when she got all up in my face.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But, when me and him get together, I will forbid him from ever talking to you." She shot haughtily at me, turning her nose up as if I disgusted her.

The gall of that girl. I disgust her?! She should look in the mirror! I thought as I gaped at her. "If you really think that I will actually listen to you spout such bull, you might as well walk away now."

"I never back down, and I always," she started poking my chest with those bird talons she called nails until the end of the sentence, "get what I want. Or did you forget, cousin dear? And, in case you haven't noticed, I want Eric. So back the hell away from him, before I make you back off."

"How the hell do you plan to make me back away from my best friend?" I asked her incredulously. "I've known him a lot longer than you have, and he's my best friend."

"In case you haven't noticed," I raised an eyebrow, daring her to challenge what I was about to say, "I'm not an object. And neither is Eric. He can't exactly be bought. Your Mummy and Daddy have no control over him. How on Earth were you planning to get him? Your charm? Your good looks?" My voice was practically dripping with sarcasm at that point. "Hate to burst your self-absorbed bubble, but if that's what you were going for, it isn't working, and I'm pretty sure it's not gonna work."

She looked surprised. "Are you insulting me?"

"Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Give the girl a prize! She finally caught on!" I sarcastically remarked.

"You know, I have people who could kill you if I see fit." She said haughtily.

I snorted. "Uh, no you don't. I'm your mom's favorite niece." I bat my eyelashes to annoy her. She knew it was true, too. Her mom loved me, almost as much as Bethany hated me.

"Ugh! I forgot. You seem to have my parents wrapped tightly around your finger.... Maybe that's why yours aren't there for you. Maybe your mom got jealous of you spending all that time with my mom and willed herself dead." She stated, a smug expression on her annoying face. She knew she had struck a nerve. What she wasn't expecting was my reaction.

I don't think even I was expecting myself to react like this.

I saw red. She did not just go there. How dare she mention Mom!?

Bethany knew she had went way too far by the expression on my face. Her face turned scared. And she was right to be afraid. I was mad.

I swung my arm, satisfied at the crack her nose made when my fist hit it.

"MY FACE!" Bethany shrieked as she clutched her nose, desperately trying to stop it from bleeding.

"YOUR SUCH A B***H, YOU KNOW THAT!? HOW DARE YOU BRING MY DEAD MOTHER INTO THIS!? DO YOU HAVE NO RESPECT!? SHE'S YOUR AUNT, TOO! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO MAKE THIS MY FAULT!" I screamed, crying as I did. By then, we had drawn a crowd, with Eric and Richie watching in the crowd. I kept swinging at her, letting my anger take over, not even thinking.

Then, I felt someone grab my arms. "Rebecca," Eric's strong, smooth voice said in my ear, "you need to calm down. I know what she said isn't true, you know what she said isn't true, and you'll end up getting expelled if you keep going."

Oh, how I hated logic at that moment. Without logic, I could've kept beating her up. But, I knew Eric was right. He dried the tears, although they kept flowing.

I relaxed, turning to his chest as I cried. I kept crying as Richie helped her up from the floor, where she had ended up during our little spat. She reluctantly took his hand and stood up. She then promptly turned on her heel and walked away, her nose turned up at us again. Eric kept a firm grip on me until my body quit shaking, and my tears stopped.

"How dare she?" I shakily asked, my voice weak from crying.

"Shh. It's OK. She's gone, and you know her, she didn't think about what she was saying. She probably didn't even mean it." Richie's voice came from behind me, his warm hand rubbing my back.

"That doesn't make it any better!" I strongly said.


Another chapter! Did you guys like the fight scene? I thought it was pretty epic. I didn't know where to stop, so I ended here. It's as good a place as any to stop, I guess.

You know what to do:




READ THE NEXT CHAPTER WHEN I PUT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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