× The Pink Panther ×

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So there actually a really dark episode about this show that you will get shock and maybe agree or disagree with me but there a delete episode that tell about  Illuminati theory or Anti-Illuminati.

Basically he enter on this eyes door and that where this going to start and a lot strange vision happen in this episode so let me begin….

The “Happening” and the flaming finger the eye works its magic, invites you to enter and hypnotize you and opens the door so you go into her dark world and shut the door behind you to enter the world of the jinn smoke your files and information and shows you fire ritual display and they will send someone in the name of love (the destruction of love) this person will use tricks and will give you information and disappears like the love life of a panther (referring like your life) uncensored and will try to activate your lust but you’ll be in the dark and you will see a spot that seems to emanate light and you move to the other side through the slot but It not is easy to use what is known here because the Search will make you fall into a hole but the envoy is still more interested in the book than life they provide information and there is only light when they want plus they control the light and they can dazzle, you have been controlled since last,in Christmas but let’s smoke in order to think better the light comes from the mind your mind can light up your life but they cheat they were hidden behind the problem they ruined ancient books in the ambulance of Cross evil and they swept with ancient letters they rewrote the historical texts in a disgusting way they ended the true story they write headlines occasionally someone interferes and while they try to write the final they will be contested Red / Black and the Masonic ladder they will show its true face killer to think that is not so serious until you feel the bullets skimming you have to flee your bursts and you can hide behind love and from there, you can make them fall and their weapons will fall into your hands and charges are fight and you will fall into a maelstrom of violence….Wake Up!

When kindly they invite you to pass just Rejected them and walk away!

We reject the Antichrist Dajjal one eye and his hypnotic trance! 

I explain it just exactly how i find it and been one hours or 2 translating all of that just to bring you the information and the meaning is pretty clear here.

cartoon’s message is clear and precise: If you provide such information, decline it.

And battle the demons that keep people reach self-knowledge.

This is within you.

You just have to realize.

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