The black strands of his hair still stood up in a slicked style. I couldn't see his eyes because they were trained on an unfamiliar brunette in front of him. But of course, it was at that moment Zander chose to look up. His lips curled back into that sly smile of his when he caught me staring. Rolling my eyes, I turned my attention away from him before I could embarrass myself any further. I was not going to give him the satisfaction of watching a hot blush creep upon my cheeks. No matter how dark it was which meant he probably wouldn't be able to see it anyways.

"Hey," snapping out of my embarrassment, I spin my head around to see Kate smiling at me.

"Hmm?" I questioned.

"It's getting a little late so everyone is about to head home for the night. Did you wanna meet in my car? Here are the keys. I won't be long, promise." Kate handed me the keys and I nodded, standing up.

I spit out my gum as I walked to her car, praying my breath didn't smell of smoke anymore. If I really wanted too, I knew I had time for another, but I didn't want to risk it. Taking out my phone, I noticed I would be home before curfew.

I don't think I've been on time when my parents set a curfew for me. It was a good thing though because it meant my parents wouldn't lose their trust in me. If I wanted to go out again, they would trust me to be back on time.

I wasn't close to my parents. Ever. I still wasn't close to them. I loved them. I loved my parents with all my bitter heart could muster, but there was just no connection with my parents besides the fact that they created me. I had a love for them because they were my parents. But not because we were close. I was their only daughter, I know if they found out something ever happened to me, they would only blame themselves. What kind of parents wouldn't blame themselves?

Not wanting to think on it any further, I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind. Unlocking her car, I got in the passenger side and started the car.

Kate was the girl I wished I could be. She was perfect. She was smart. She was beautiful. She was sweet and witty. She was the daughter I wished I could be. I bet she made everyone around her proud. It wouldn't surprise me. Kate Withers was just flawless. She probably never experiences a bad day in her life. And I envied her for it.

The door opened and Kate slid into the driver's side. Followed by another car door slamming in the back. Confused, I turned around, only for my eyes to widen in shock.

Zander smirked at me.

"Someone else drove me here. But I figured since you and I live right across from each other, Kate wouldn't mind dropping us both off." He defended, that stupid smug smirk of his playing on his lips.

He was so infuriating! I scowled, crossing my arms like a little child and looking out the window.

"Oh, right. Hope it's okay with you, Layla." Kate said, starting the car.

I didn't comment, choosing to shrug my shoulders as if I didn't care. I don't know what it was about Zander that made me want to strangle the living daylights out of him. Maybe it was that smirk that never left his lips. Or his intense eyes always seeming to catch sight of mine. Or even the fact that not a single strand of his hair was ever out of place.

"So, did you have fun at all?" Kate asked, glancing at me for a split second.

Recalling my previous thoughts of the flashbacks not filtering through my mind, I found myself nodding. "Yes." My answer was short.

But Kate didn't seem to mind. Scary enough, it only seemed the smile she had widened.

Goodness, if she and Zander ever got together, it would make a match made in Heaven. I thought sarcastically,

A Girl Like HerWhere stories live. Discover now