1.67 Stubborn For You

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With everyone's effort, JingMo's old house was transformed within the next few weeks.

For the time being, they did not add any additional building to the main structures, but they still ended up expanding each space of the individual buildings. There were already three separated wings, which the men enlarged slightly to the left, right, and back respectively. Luckily JingMo's father had actually constructed them to be versatile and the modification was not too time or strength-consuming.

For the moment, YuLan and Xiao Hui would live in the smallest building; HeShan, SunChen, and Jingmo would share another bigger one. Each building had their own bathroom. After all, the house used to be a commercially used restaurant - JingMo's family and their customers had to use separate toilets.

They moved the kitchen to outdoor - behind the living room - and erected a roof to cover it.

The biggest structure, in the middle, was used by SongLi and the two guards - who would be living together with YuLan and the others as well, until SongLi substituted them.

The room - which was previously used by JingMo's parents as the main area where food was served - was spacious enough, that it could be converted into another residence or subdivided into two more rooms, if Xiao Hui and JingMo would ever have their own family in the future.

JingMo himself did not worry too much about future plans. He was confident that he would be able to make or build whatever would be needed, when it was necessary. So he convinced SongLi that whatever they had done would be more than adequate. Anything more would just be an inconvenience as they still had to maintain the house themselves.

As for the two soldiers SongLi had brought along - he did not intend to let them live there indefinitely. For a soldier, not only it meant they would be away from everything, SongLi did not intend to let them slack off.

The plan was to send two new people at least every six full moons, to replace the ones that had stayed there for the last period of time. He would accompany them personally when the times come, to make sure the new set of guards did not veer off their intended paths.

HeShan and SunChen could only chuckle at his explanation.

"If it is that simple, he can just give the map to the guards when he dispatch them and they can come here themselves. Ji soldiers will never be off-route, they are well known for their strict discipline," SunChen's shook his head, but his lips were curled in amusement.

"Ahhh~, be more tactful, will you? How else will he be able to see our dear sister? Poor Young Master Ji ... ." HeShan lifted his eyebrows in mocked pity.

YuLan and the two scholars decided to add a new pavilion - which JingMo readily agreed to - behind the buildings

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YuLan and the two scholars decided to add a new pavilion - which JingMo readily agreed to - behind the buildings. There were already some stone paths leading to an open field in the backyard, at which the mountains behind it towered majestically.

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