1.65 Companions

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YuLan did not notice that a pair of eyes had been staring at her all this while, unblinking. Ji SongLi also did not realize that everyone could see how he was looking so blatantly at her with adoration in his eyes. By his side, the two boys were still oblivious to their sister's quest in beauty, and were still miming some moves they had just been shown by SongLi before.

The village-head smiled as he observed his daughter with YuLan,

"Your wife is very good with children."

SongLi, who had just sipped some mountain herb tea that the Han couple had served for them, coughed suddenly. He tried his best not to choke.

"Not-. She-. Not - . She is not my wife." he stuttered as he steadied his heartbeat.

He would be lying if he said he was not happy that the village-head thought that way... .

"Not yet~." - one of his soldiers muttered teasingly, grinning. The other guard nodded with a grin as well.

"Be quiet!", SongLi snarled, wishing his subordinates would not see his increasingly warming ears. 

"Yes sir!"

"But, with the way you have been caring for her and looked at her all day, ever since you arrived," the village-head lifted his brows, "I thought you are newly married, or at least a couple." - he gestured with his two index fingers to touch each other.

"... ."

"Oh believe me, good sir," this time HeShan joined the conversation, "Our young master here is trying very hard!"

"I personally think YuLan is giving him too much of a hard time," SunChen added, "It is obvious she does not mind him showering his attention at her. And she is not the type to take advantage of someone."

At this, SongLi broke into a grin,


"I might be reading too much into things...," SunChen shrugged, causing SongLi to hunch his body slightly.

HeShan patted his shoulders, "Young Master Ji, persevere! I am on your side!"

"...", SongLi was speechless, "Have I really been that obvious?"

Everyone nodded.

JingMo was silent all the while. This Young Master Ji had shown nothing but his amiable side all the while, protecting YuLan and caring for her throughout. He was also polite and courteous to JingMo as well.

But JingHan had not seen Bai YuLan yet, let alone Ji SongLi. Surely JingHan would have his own opinion for Yulan's possible future partner, if YuLan turned out to be JingHan's blood-related cousin. Ever since JingHan found out there was a possibility that his aunt's daughter was still alive, he would torture JingMo's ears with stories of his childhood.

And his beautiful two aunts. 

JingMo cursed inside as he was reminded of his sworn brother. He could only guess that JingHan had been willful again, despite Niu accompanying him.

After all, how in the world, would someone take almost a full year to travel from the Northern Plains to Zhang Empire.

JingHan would be the first, and hopefully the last.


The morning after, the Han couple packed some plain steamed buns for their journey, as well as some fresh vegetables and herbs they picked from their farm. They also wanted to give them some eggs from their roaming few chickens, but SongLi politely refused. Not only eggs would be considered a small luxury in this village, that they could not possibly accept them; with the way they travel on horses, the fragile eggs would likely be broken somewhere throughout their journey.

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