1.58 Farewell (2)

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That morning, of them all, Second Prince JunLi was the easiest to talk with. The good natured young man only said a few well wishes. He was always a positive person.

"I may even visit you once in a while when I get bored with the capital.", JunLi shrugged, "So this is probably not even a farewell."

The princes could always receive the information of her whereabouts from Ji SongLi. After all, Ji family had assigned some guards for her and SongLi himself was going to accompany YuLan initially.

Third Prince GuoFu laughed at his second older brother,

"I bet Second brother is actually looking forward to getting away!"

They were so in high spirit that YuLan did not feel sad at all.

As they exchanged a few banters, the Crown Prince coughed loudly, bringing everyone's attention to him.

YuLan observed him carefully.

Zhang KongJing was still wearing the half-mask he wore at the banquet, hiding half of his face.

"JunLi, GuoFu, would you mind giving me a bit of time alone with YuLan?"

The younger princes smiled and nodded. Zhang GuoFu smiled at her before stepping away,

"YuLan. I will keep LanBai safe. I will make her happy. Rest assured."

At the sudden mention and thought of Ji LanBai, she became forlorn again, but she quickly shook her head to ease her ache. She smiled in gratitude at the Third Prince, and she curtsied her body lightly at him,

"I entrust my sister in your hands."


Once the two younger princes withdrew a distance away, the first one to break the silence was the Crown Prince.

"It is better if you leave."

She looked up to him. He was the only person who actually did not object – even supported – her leaving.

"If you were to stay here... . I don't know how I can... keep this... other demon inside of me... away from hurting you."

"... from destroying me."

"... from bringing damage to the dynasty."

"I am the Crown Prince. I will be a king. My country, my people will always be a priority."

"I cannot risk everything. I cannot abandon everything... for a woman."

"Not.... Just a woman..."

"Shut up!"

"This voice... my voice... this voice is becoming mine. My voice is becoming his."

"Everytime I look at myself in the mirror now, there is someone else... someone else I don't know looking back at me."

"With that blood red pupil."

"He wants to possess you."

"I want to possess you."

"She should be mine."

"Shut up!"

"Leave, YuLan," The Crown Prince smiled, mustering his expression to be as jovial as ever. As she observed him warily, in concern, there was a light pain inside his heart,

"You should be free."

"You should be away from me. From another me."

"Just know this: you are always a citizen of Da Lang. Whenever you want, whenever you are ready, you can always go back here," he closed his eyes to get rid of the throbbing headache, 

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