1.77 Wedding (2)

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JingMo would look ravishing in his red robe, if not for his brothers' interventions. 

As part of tradition of the Northern Plains, the warriors had brought some precious items that they would give to the bridegroom to wear on his wedding day.

One man brought a long dried plant vine - which the person claimed, if boiled and consumed, would boost JingMo's stamina on his wedding night. The person then animatedly provided pointers to JingMo to please his new wife, hooted and backed by his other brothers with loud howls and laughs.

YuLan had to hold back her laughter as well, as she could feel Xiao Hui's trembling hands that were on top of her arms, as they listened to the men chattering.

Another warrior brought a necklace made of various animals' ivory: wild beasts' fangs, boars' tusks... .

JingHan gave JingMo a snow fox's white fur. It was beautiful, but as all of the jumble of items had to be worn by JingMo - as his brothers insisted - he looked like a travelling circus performer.

Nevertheless, the first proper way to start was to offer respect to JingMo's late parents.

As the bride was not allowed to touch the ground, the men had actually prepared a simple carriage for Xiao Hui. YuLan helped her get on top of the carriage, before it was carried by the warriors out of the house.

In front of the two earth mounds on top of the hill, HeShan and SunChen were already waiting with two cups of wine and some incenses, as offering to JingMo's parents. They then laid a piece of cloth for Xiao Hui to stand on as soon as she got off the carriage, again, with YuLan's assistance.

JingMo softly took Xiao Hui's left hand as he smiled in gratitude towards YuLan.

The couple did their first bow towards the sky - to the heavens, praying that the deities above would always bless their days ahead.

Then, as everyone watched the couple did their second bow towards the graves, YuLan swore she could hear birds singing merrily. It sounded like soft laughter and singing, giving JingMo and Xiao Hui blessing for their nuptial.

After that, they returned to the house. The remaining guests and customers who had come to celebrate were already waiting, while snacking on various biscuits and small cakes YuLan had personally prepared since very early morning.

Xiao Hui never knew who her parents were. For all she knew, she was always an orphan with no relatives left. However, she had definitely regarded YuLan as her own family, her guardian, her sister.

For her, it was only right to pay her respect to YuLan.

As for JingMo, he most definitely chose JingHan as one person he also must pay respect to.

Therefore, after JingHan and YuLan sat at two provided seats, JingMo and Xiao Hui also bowed towards them.

Finally, they bowed towards each other.

Unlike wedding ceremonies for the nobility, JingMo and Xiao Hui's wedding was more casual and non-secretive. Noble ladies usually would not reveal their face until the wedding night - it was reserved for their husband only.

However, how could this norm be accepted by JingMo's many nosy brothers?

"Show us your bride, JingMo!"

"Don't wait until tonight! Come on!"

"Brother! Don't be stingy!"

JingMo smiled as he carefully lifted the red veil, to slowly reveal his bride's blushing face. Xiao Hui still had her eyes gazing down, not quite having the courage to look at her new husband.

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